„Erheblicher“ Polizeieinsatz wegen geplanter Proteste vor dem Jahrestag der Anschläge vom 7. Oktober


Von F0urLeafCl0ver


  1. ClassicFlavour on

    Anyone else react like *’holy shit, it’s been a year already’*?

  2. Vondonklewink on

    As if the police aren’t stretched enough already. Having to deal with these tools must be frustrating when there’s so much crime in London. They already don’t have the resources to respond to most crimes in general.

  3. OshaBreaker on

    Seems to be in incredibly poor taste to hold a pro Palestine rally on the anniversary of the attacks.

    What significance could that possibly have for them other than the connotations of a celebration? It’s not like Israel invaded Gaza on that very day.

  4. LandoThrowWins on

    These people would celebrate 9/11 or the Manchester concert bombing if it happened today.

    It’s insane how many terrorist sympathisers we have. Especially on this sub.

  5. TheFergPunk on

    > The force said it was unaware of any significant public events taking place on Monday, the anniversary of the attacks.

    Just quoting this part in particular since people aren’t reading the article.

  6. Gonna try and stay off social media on Monday I predict it will be disgusting.

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