Die russische Su-25, die heute Morgen an der Donezk-Front abstürzte, wurde von einem anderen russischen Flugzeug bei einem Friendly-Fire-Zwischenfall abgeschossen



  1. The pilots must’ve had some serious beef for this to happen, you don’t just accidentally shoot down your wingman from close range.

  2. praetorian1111 on

    Only logical explanation would be that this pilot wanted to cross into Ukraine.

  3. cornedbeef101 on

    Second best airforce in Ukraine demonstrating their team work skills

  4. Gman90sKid on

    Crazy girlfriend when her BF takes more than 10 seconds to reply to her message.

  5. Candid_House_6367 on

    When you lock in your friend just for fun and accidentally left click and shoot him down :D. Happens to the best of us.

  6. Fakula1987 on

    Looks like on purpose
    1) catch up
    2) lock
    3) fire
    4) turn away..

    that was not a friendly-fire accident, that was a planned shootdown…

  7. VrsoviceBlues on

    This was either a straight-up murder, or the most ridiculous failure of IFF/deconfliction/target-identification that I’ve ever heard of. Either way, somebody just got transferred to an infantry unit…

  8. lagkagemanden on

    Wingman wasn’t too happy about his Flight Lead, so he decided to give himself an in-field promotion. 

    Wingman: “Target locked!” 

    FL: “What? Where? I don’t see it” 

    Wingman: “Don’t worry about it! FOX2!”

  9. wellrateduser on

    Su-25 is a ground attack aircraft, so it is specialised on flying low and striking ground targets precisely. Anyone can explain what their mission might have been flying that high? One might think Russia has other aircraft types that could fill that role.

  10. “Wait Ivan, let me test what happens when I Fox-2 you with no missiles remaining! 3,2,1.. Blyat Ivan! I thought we had only Air-to-Hospitals with us! Flares Ivan! Oh too late now…”

  11. NextRecipe on

    Is this the one the RU milbloggers were crying about a few days ago?

    Edit: other sources now saying it’s an (Russian) S-70 drone

  12. Caligulaonreddit on

    1. drunk?
    2. hates his wingman?
    3. had radar warning, but missile locked on ‘wrong’ target?

    But: when russians can fly that high near the frontline (palne crashed in UA controlled area) the akrainians need MUCH more airdefense near the frontline.

  13. Wrong-Ad8188 on

    I REALLY hope the com’s get leaked & someone can edit the two together , So this can be studied

    This is absolutely ridiculous & insanity but it’s also Amazingly good & shows the True Russians no matter a grunt or an officer there all the same

    Just think of our airforce any NATO Airforce & how smart they need to be to even qualify just to train & most end up fixing the aircraft not flying it

    They are the brightest of us & the best of the best fly Typhoons & F-35’s F-22s etc

    They keep us civilians safe every day on call 24/7 365 days a year

    This would never in a million years happen in the west!

    This is so insane!

    I really hope UA leak the coms , 100% they have them..

    this will go down in history as vitally important video & shows the deeper mindset of even the so called “educated”Russian

  14. Antioch666 on

    I mean… accidental if your friendly is just a blip on the radar and you are firing from bwr… sure plausable. But your own wingman at that close range… smells more fishy than surströmming…

  15. SkylineGTRR34Freak on


    Ehm I mean… How unfortunate.

    And while a defecting pilot MIGHT be possible, at this point I really can’t rule out Russian incompetence and that in itself is already pretty telling lol

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