Eine russische Su-25 wurde Berichten zufolge heute Morgen von einem anderen russischen Flugzeug bei einem Friendly Fire-Vorfall abgeschossen (Donezk-Front).

Von broforwin


  1. Throw-AwayBanana on

    That SU-25 must have been in a pretty high attitude, contrails and all, and near a front known for UAF SAM systems?

    I actually think that SU-25 was trying to defect to Ukraine…

    The shooter makes a 180 turn right after firing his missile.

  2. Professional_Ad_6462 on

    Captain Jodieski that’s what you get for sleeping with my wife.

  3. FlkPzGepard on

    When you lock onto your mate as a joke but then press the wrong button

  4. hotdogtears on

    The incompetency is simply amazing… lol I feel like the only question left to ask is if they’re going to add the artwork to the nose of the surviving SU-25 given his kill…? lol

  5. Downtown-Hospital-59 on

    Was the su25 pilot trying to defect or something? If all statements are through flying this high near the frontline it would normally be having a death wish.

  6. Beni_Stingray on

    What’s also strange is the leading plane is not doing any evasive manouvers meaning he doesnt expect to be shot at.

  7. I have no idea about jet fighter engineering, but wouldn’t they have the same radar signal to avoid friendly fire?

  8. FocusIsFragile on

    That’s one way to deal with the guy who’s been stealing your lunch out of the office fridge…

  9. ArcticSaint on

    Pilot returns: Guys, mission accomplished! I successfully protested the SU-25! Crazy thing, there was another Su-25 in the spot you said our comrade would be operating in, but I got him!

  10. This pilot should get the highest award for airmanship – from Ukraine

  11. anonymousbeardog on

    Is there perhaps a grudge?
    This isn’t a radar issue, but an air to air within visuals.

  12. dougfir1975 on

    This looks a lot like a high-altitude intercept of a drone…

  13. shoolocomous on

    Skip the first 40 seconds of this video and you will miss nothing

  14. Dry-Marketing-6798 on

    Prob was too, unlikely the Ukrainians would be flying that high in that area. Surprised the Russians are tbh.

  15. I would categorise this as more likely ‘Unknown Fuckery’ than ‘Friendly Fire’. Something going on up there.

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