Putin bricht Friedensgespräche ab und versucht, den ukrainischen Staat nach Kursk-Einmarsch zu zerstören



  1. Electrical_Chart1499 on

    “The Kremlin has come to a corresponding conclusion that they will destroy Ukrainian statehood. The situation looks like it will end up in no-rules warfare and both sides are considering how to make things harder for the other,” the outlet quoted one of its sources as saying.

    The source added that Putin would not trade Ukraine-held territory in the Kursk region for Russian-occupied lands in eastern Ukraine.

    The outlet’s sources said there were hopes this summer that the war could end within six months to a year thanks to factors including softening rhetoric from Kyiv as well as the major prisoner exchange between Russia and the West.

    The Russian and Ukrainian militaries were also close to a de-escalation agreement that included a mutual restriction on striking energy facilities, Poyasnitelnaya Zapiska reported, with plans to sign the deal on Aug. 22-23 in Qatar.

    “It would have been a win-win situation. Between 15% and 20% of Russia’s oil-refining capacity had been knocked out and winter was bearing down on both sides,” a source close to those involved in the negotiations told Poyasnitelnaya Zapiska.

    A broader de-escalation, including a ban on the use of certain weapons and strikes further than a certain distance from the front line, had also been discussed, the source said.

    But all this fell through after Ukraine’s Aug. 6 incursion into the Kursk region, which is ongoing after nearly two months.

  2. Arkh_Angel on

    “Abandons” implies he was ever open to them in the first place.

  3. AcademicMaybe8775 on

    remove the restrictions. untie ukraine and let them finish russia off

  4. There is no negotiation with russia. You always lose when trying and then get called back to the table to lose some more. The only way out is killing their leaders and rolling into moscow with tanks.

  5. ThatInternetGuy on

    Putin is kept alive by western states only because he’s NOT willing to use nukes, implying that he still has some sanity left in him. But if he shows any small sign that he’s about to use nuke, he’s a goner, he knows this very well.

  6. Extension_Common_518 on

    In what world of derangement and unicorns does anyone with an even partially functioning brain believe that Russia would ever adhere to any agreement, ever? It is clear that the Russian state regards international agreements as useful tools to keep others at bay while they cook up their next piece of mischief.

    “Destroy Ukrainian statehood”? Mighty bold talk for a state that has gone completely tits up several times within more or less living memory. They didn’t like it in the 1990’s when the whole SSR project came crashing down round their ears and the so-called fraternal pact nations told them in no uncertain terms to fuck right off. They are not gonna like it this round of collapse either.

  7. We don’t know what is going on behinc closed doors. Talks may be on going, and double up is a way to negotiate for more gains.

  8. Adventurous_Report49 on

    One thing putin can be certain of is ukraine will never surrender now matter how much he throws at them they are so tough and brave putin will die of old age before he captures Ukraine.

  9. MaleficentResolve506 on

    We should stop spreading these kinds of views. Putin wanted to destroy the UA state from the start so not only AFTER the Kursk incursions. UA and western goal should be to destroy Russian state.

  10. Rocky75617794 on

    Would someone on the inside help him die naturally of old age soon?

  11. landonacomet_ on

    Ukraine will be the graveyard of the Russian Federation, just as Afghanistan was the graveyard of the Soviet Union.

  12. ScienceIsSick on

    It’s pretty clear now that the Russian state is a threat to Western democracy then, seems like the federation may need some “destruction”.

  13. What fucking peace talks? “Let us control your land so we can torture you to death”

    Get fucked

  14. IncubusIncarnat on

    Assuming someone would just give up because you have more meat is a BOLD strategy.

  15. Quote: “Ukraine’s forces are being exhausted,” the source said. “The Kremlin can carry on waging war like it is at the moment for decades.”

    No, it cannot. Girkin just said on his Telegram that Russia has to win before the year runs out. If Trump isn’t re-elected, he said, Russia would be in for a rough awakening and a potential 1917. Source: Strelkows Channel, post 6907 (link not allowed here)

  16. bfolksdiddy on

    The battle of Kursk has already been won. Whether peace talks happen or not. Ukraines intention was never to hold it. They’ve captured over a thousand soldiers mainly conscript POWs. Destroyed hundreds of millions in strategic infrastructure and Russian kit. Without exchanging Ukrainian land the cost of retaking this territory will come at the price similar to Avdivka.

    The question is how many dead Russians and how long before Russian oligarchs capitulate financially before Putin’s hanging from a rope. Russias already lost this war in the long term. It’s only a temporary Pyrrhic victory in territories it’s illegally annexed.

  17. ex_warrior on

    What utter bullshit.

    It was clear from day 1 that his intent was to annex ukraine completely.

    I wish these bullshit headlines kept to facts

  18. StrongsafetyMike on

    Putin Talks. And Nobody Cares. He cannot win. But He didnt check IT.

  19. Significant-Dog-8166 on

    Oh gee, launching cruise missiles at residential buildings in Kyiv was for some OTHER goal? He’s been trying to make people die or flee so his orcs can increase the size of the Russian blight on earth. That’s all Russia ever does. It kills and expands but only in land.

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