Mohamed Harkat ist 22 Jahre alt und lebt trotz zahlreicher Abschiebungsversuche immer noch in Kanada.


  1. _s1m0n_s3z on

    Good. Because he’s not fucking guilty of anything.

    The minister’s opinion said that although Harkat did not commit terrorist acts directly, he was “complicit” in the crimes of those he assisted.

    Notice the scare quotes around “complicit”. They’re there because even the government knows it has absolutely nothing on him, and is only continuing to persecute him because it would be too embarrassing to give up now.

  2. andreacanadian on

    I do not understand. Why do they get to appeal and appeal and appeal??? Or try different venues. If you buy a lottery ticket and you do not win, do you appeal to the lottery organization because you think your numbers were unfairly entered into the random number generator, and when youre told no you still cant have the lottery wins you appeal again saying that you do not agree with how the ticket was printed and that numbers were not produced correctly….and so on and so on. No one does that. If you are ordered deported then you should summarily be picked up put on a bus, boat plane whatever and sent to whatever city your homeland happens to be in. Your assets are seized and auctioned and funds from that sale are used to repay your application and deportation costs with any remaining balance sent to you. Done and Done. Why is this going on no wonder our system is so back logged. For now on automatic responses for appeals should be what part of no did you not understand.

  3. Fun_Purple5363 on

    What is so hard? Take the RCMP, go to where he resides, handcuff and take him to the nearest jail. Then put him in a cell until the next departing flight and escort him onto the plane. Once he is onboard uncuff him and wait on the tarmac until the aircraft starts its taxi to the runway for take off….that was easy….

  4. This-Question-1351 on

    Part of this problem is our courts, including the SCC. They are staffed by liberal Justices who will bend over backwards to interpret our laws in such a way that it makes it impossible to deport people, even with terrorist backgrounds. Someday Canada will pay a heavy price for this inaction, when one of these people commits a terrorist act here or slips into the US to commit one there.

  5. painfulbliss on

    Lawyers, adjudicators who used to be or still are lawyers, NGOs headed by lawyers, and judges who were lawyers are all caught up in sustaining this unwieldy legal framework which is incapable of actually doing anything except paying lawyers and people who used to be lawyers lots and lots of taxpayer money.

  6. SammyMaudlin on

    Yeah I’m sorry. Canada is creating far too many lawyers and not enough physicians. It’s kind of obvious at this point.

  7. Kick him the fuck out, save tax payers the money wasted on this guy in court time legal fees. Should be simple….walk him to his seat on the plane, strap him in it say good F’n bye and don’t come back. Make it a poster example to all the other immigrants.

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