Der militärisch-industrielle Komplex wird immer an erster Stelle stehen

Von lboog423


  1. SS: Taxpayer money is being used to gaslight America into perpetual global conflicts. When it comes to priority, the MIC will always come first before American lives. We also saw this mentality during covid. Wag the Dog.

  2. RushHot6160 on

    Absolutely. How else can they get rich from your taxes? I made a post about Ukraine arming and training terrorist groups in Syria but I think it might be shadowbanned as nobody has replied to it. It’s crazy how the Western world is opposed to terrorism and genocide yet Western governments are directly supporting it.

  3. Familiar_Owl1168 on

    “Your friends? Do you talk to your friends? You speak Hebrew?”

  4. LaRouchewasRight2 on

    The American people have no self determination. We are ruled by Israel and Britain.

  5. AnyWhichWayButLose on

    You can’t make money off of helping people.

    Government is commerce. End of story. It was never meant for us. We are subjects.

  6. missscarlett1977 on

    If you had bothered to ask the people you are supposed to be serving, (politicians serve the American people) we would not agree with that choice. Its a self serving lie wrapped in a mind controlled package.

  7. abhorredmisanthrope on

    Did he just imply that Israel might invade the US? Hamas sure as shit isn’t so how will the war Come Here?

  8. maybeitsmyfault10 on

    “Unlike most people I have slept much and I’ll sleep even better if we help our friends in Israel”

  9. everydaycarrie on

    It sort of looks like the same thing that his friends just did to the people of Gaza, was done to America.

    One caused by war, the other by natural disaster.

    I read recently that 80,000 homes have been destroyed in Gaza.

    I read today that a satellite mapping company has released an estimate that more than 100,000 buildings from Florida to West Virginia were impacted by Helene with at least 10,000 structures inundated by 5 feet or more of water.

  10. SouthPawMouthRaw on

    It’s been known for years that Mossad and other agencies have so much dirt on this closeted freak. He is the epitome of a captured and controlled politician. He doesn’t want the proof of him with those college aged boys coming out if he ever goes against Israel or the MIC (military industrial complex)

  11. Pretend_Bed1590 on

    why don’t they go live in Israel and Ukraine already if they love them so much

  12. BrewedBadger on

    In what way is the way in Israel even threatening to make its way over here

  13. How he keeps getting elected is a mystery. Republicans hate him, goes without saying what the dnc thinks. Moderates despise him.

  14. Whatta quote … shameful. People will forget and move on in a few days …

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