Kroatien zieht sich wegen nationaler Sicherheitsbedenken aus der NATO-Ukraine-Mission zurück

Von Independent_Gene_464


  1. Fickle-Message-6143 on

    Didn’t anybody said to you susjedi, that being in NATO isn’t free protection, you also have some obligations towards NATO?

  2. The president is pro-Russian and obstructing help to Ukraine, nothing to do with national security concerns. If anything, national security concerns should be a reason to increase support for Ukraine. Shame on anyone who has voted or is planning to vote for this clown and thug again and by that threatening our national security.

  3. Uriel42069666 on

    Croatian donations c/p from Wikipedia

    Transport aircraft

    As of June and July 2024, Croatia is preparing to supply a total of 2 An-32B military transport aircraft to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

    14 Mi-8 helicopters (including Mi-8MTV-1 variants) [Nine delivered in May 2023, further five in June 2023].
    Towed artillery

    15 130mm M-46 (M-46H1 variant) field guns [13 August 2022].
    40 D-30 howitzers [Before March 2023].
    Multiple rocket launchers

    RAK-SA-12 128mm multiple rocket launchers [April 2023].

    Anti-Tank Rockets [2022].
    Small arms

    35,000 Zastava M70 assault rifles [February 2022].
    5,000 FN FAL battle rifles [2022].
    Machine guns with ammunition [February 2022].
    Man-portable air defence systems

    5-6 shipments of Strela-2 and Igla MANPADS systems [Since February or March 2022].

    Tens of millions of small arms ammo [Since February 2022].
    Thousands of grenades [2022].
    Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].
    Miscellaneous equipment

    Protective equipment (helmets, ballistic vests, uniforms) [February 2022].
    Financial aid

    Funding for production of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].

    Technical training on landmine clearance [From May 2023 onwards].

  4. allnamesaretaken69x on

    Ywah the croatian president is in russias pay roll. At least their prime minister opposes this so hopefully they will approve the training and milanovic is just stalling.

  5. Wrong-Confidence735 on

    both Milanovic and Plenkovic are clowns who dont care about their people the only difference is that Plenkovic does everything EU tells him while Milanovic does everything Russia tells him.

  6. Why would you ever support Russia? like seriously? These politicans have no long term thinking they just want some cheap oil money from putin, why do countries keep abandoning Ukraine? Your responsibility as a politican in the EU is to give aid to Ukraine

  7. E_VanHelgen on

    The president is a wretched human being with an oversized ego and a hard on for being the contrarian.

    I can only apologize to all Ukrainians.

  8. IllEffectLii on

    It’s the presidential election, people, settle down, nothing to see here.

    Croatia is sending support to Ukraine since the beginning .

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