Russland stellt die Volkszählung ein, da die Zahl der Kriegsopfer zunimmt


  1. Compoundeyesseeall on

    What’s wrong Russian trolls? Tell me why Putin doesn’t want to count? I thought the Ukrainians were lying about the figures? I thought Russia was strong?

  2. Crazy to me that there are 2 newish accounts arguing with each other. Both could be bots and at this point I wouldn’t be surprised about it. Fuck this world of **fact-checking every goddamn word posted, printed, or said**, sucks ass!!!🤬🤬🤬

  3. This is very strange, why would the democratic peoples republic of Russia not want to perform a regular census? What could possibly be the reason?

  4. SundaeAlarming7381 on

    So first of all I’m on the side of allow Ukraine everything they need. But just want to point out that this also could be for the reason of if you give out this kind of information people Russia are fighting then have an estimate of how many people could have been recruited. It’s basically free intel if they released these numbers. But that being said it could also be to hide losses. Just food for thought. Best to question everything

  5. ProUkraine on

    I’m surprised they don’t just estimate it then add 30%, like they do with Putin’s votes.

  6. Swede_in_USA on

    where russia is going there is no need for a census…..ever, again.

  7. Not like the Russians, you think they would just lie like normal and put out figures showing the population growing.

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