Passagierobergrenze am Flughafen Dublin stellt einen „Verstoß“ gegen das Open-Skies-Abkommen zwischen den USA und der EU dar

Von shadow123451


  1. This is good.

    Something like this was inevitable and this is exactly the sort of thing that will expedite getting this nonsense cap lifted.

  2. Bill_Badbody on

    >An organisation representing US airlines has claimed

    That’s always left out of the headline.

    The headline reads as a fact, when it’s just opinion of a vested body.

  3. I am once again begging the government to put some airline traffic through Shannon

  4. Once that cabbage Ryan is out of the office, this issue will very quickly be resolved.

  5. ChemiWizard on

    ITs currently faster to Drive to Shannon, park, get through security, and get to your plane, even for people living in Dublin. Let the routes go to Dublin but just divert them to Shannon. ITs not just a safety issue but a facilities issue for the passengers. Most other countries’ governments would have just relabel Shannon as a ‘Dublin Metro’ airport.

  6. RandomUsername600 on

    The passenger cap is nonsense. We are an island nation, we can’t restrict air travel that much. Why can Fingal County Council make a decision that impacts the whole country to this degree?

  7. The passenger cap Plan is beyond stupid and needs to be put to bed. If this is one of the mechanisms that help that to happen then I welcome that.

    We are an island nation, air travel is our primary means of international travel be it in or out. If possible Dublin airport should be expanded.

    At the same time there are a lot of other regional airports that operate internationally, greater focus needs to be brought to them.

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