Russland bezahlt Menschen dafür, dass sie gegen den EU-Beitritt stimmen, warnt Moldawien – Moskau hat ein Netzwerk im „Mafia-Stil“ aufgebaut, um im Vorfeld eines wichtigen Referendums über die Zukunft des Landes Bargeld zu verteilen, sagten hochrangige Beamte der Republik Moldau gegenüber POLITICO

Von BkkGrl


  1. Potatoe_expert on

    In other countries too, Russia is doing all it can to make sure far right radicals and nationalists win. Divide and conquer. Once nationalists win in Europe and possibly in US, it will be very difficult for NATO to have meaningful purpose, when each government will be just looking for their own ass, instead of the collective good.

  2. Past_Trainer3662 on

    If you don’t like someone, just call him Russian bot. Works fine for sure. I’m not saying this isn’t possible, but the whole thing with blaming Russia for everything is getting annoying. I doubt that my country is nearly that influential to even try to affect whole Europe and USA politics

  3. Suheil-got-your-back on

    I have an idea. Do referendum every weekend, and make Moldovans rich. Let them spend a shitton of money.

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