Die Iren haben den Frieden im Südlibanon schon so lange gesichert, dass die lokale libanesische Bevölkerung einen vollen irischen Akzent hat


Von SamDamSam0


  1. SamDamSam0 on

    God bless the Irish, history won’t forget where the Irish people stood during the genocide

  2. I kind of exist because of Lebanon. My dad was out there with the UN in 1987. He came home in November/December of ’87. Why do I know? Because I was born in August ’88.

  3. tishimself1107 on

    There was a lebanese restaurant in athlone that was set up by a lebanese fella who was inspired to move to Ireland because of the good relations he had with Irish Peacekeepers…. or so the town legend goes.

  4. TaxImpossible2434 on

    I often think that the respect our lads have for their peacekeeping will be undone the closer we get to nato and the americans, I don’t think we should be defenseless but to be a country with a strong army that could be deployed around the world with respect would be a great thing.

  5. In case people weren’t aware, more Irish soldiers have died on peacekeeping missions in Lebanon than any other country.

    We have long and strong ties with these people.

  6. Smiley_Dub on

    I’m not a subscriber to the view that ìf UNIFIL leaves it signals all hope is lost.

    Army is safe /s

  7. hitsujiTMO on

    Wait til he finds out the soldiers only signed up to the peacekeeping tour because they thought they were helping the Lesbians.

  8. Could be bullshit but there’s a good story about when Conor Cruise O’Brien visited Irish troops in Lebanon.

    The Cruiser was plagued by kids milling around and told them “imshi!” (go away)…

    One little fella pipes up in response in a Dublin accent “imshi me bollix”.

  9. mactire_ie on

    Ireland’s participation in UNIFIL, while commendable for its dedication to peacekeeping, has been largely symbolic and constrained by the realities on the ground. Despite the presence of Irish troops, Hezbollah continues to operate with significant influence in southern Lebanon, limiting the effectiveness of peacekeeping efforts. The Irish Defence Forces, like other UNIFIL contingents, are bound by a mandate that restricts them to monitoring and reporting rather than actively engaging in conflict resolution or militia disarmament. As a result, Ireland’s role in UNIFIL has been criticized as tokenistic, with limited impact on reducing tensions or enforcing a lasting peace between Hezbollah and Israel.

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