It is possible to win a war against the USA. But it will just involve the complete destruction of your cities until eventually the Americans will get bored and leave.
madmax435 on
someone explain how we got pulled into this one?
Nagashizzar_ on
Here’s a little bit of freedom for ya!
GroundbreakingPut748 on
Merica mothafukah 🇺🇸
coolhandmoos on
That’ll show em!
LeadPike13 on
Don’t touch the boats.
Never touch the boats.
Freedom5151 on
Now THAT’S a US strike.
goaliveira on
Time to play THE song!
ColdSynergy on
Welp here we go again
Takhar7 on
I’m losing track of all these conflicts – why are the US attacking Yemen now..?
KubFire on
gosh where are the times of US jets zipping the ground going Mach 1 and dropping bombs.. :< that was cool, not long range missiles
TeslaDweller on
Time to drop some Japanese history of 1945 books over there
Vorzyd_PC on
The strikes will continue at the time and place of their choosing.
CPMonkeyBoy on
Oh bless their hearts…looks like Bombs Without Borders is at it again! Wonderful organization!
wienerschnitzle on
Not a single cell phone in sight. Just people living in the moment
banssssdance on
redditzphkngarbage on
US said “While we’re here…”
IvaNoxx on
I see a body flying around
Own-Ask2702 on
Welcome to the party boys.
derppman on
Gotta hand it to us, nobody does bombs like the US.
0reGoonian on
Fuck the houthis
Soren_Camus1905 on
I can’t even imagine.
Why run? There’s no safety to find.
LQjones on
Hopefully something more important than a goat was killed. How are these missiles getting to the Houthis? Ship, air and if so don’t we have the assets in the area to blockade this fly infested POS country?
DontFeedTheBE4RS on
The sound of a bald eagle swooping in, brings tears to my eyes
i love usa!
Probably a 500 pound JDAM
US: we’re gonna send you back to the Stone Age.
***looks around***
***clears throat***
US: Looks like our job here is done.
It is possible to win a war against the USA. But it will just involve the complete destruction of your cities until eventually the Americans will get bored and leave.
someone explain how we got pulled into this one?
Here’s a little bit of freedom for ya!
Merica mothafukah 🇺🇸
That’ll show em!
Don’t touch the boats.
Never touch the boats.
Now THAT’S a US strike.
Time to play THE song!
Welp here we go again
I’m losing track of all these conflicts – why are the US attacking Yemen now..?
gosh where are the times of US jets zipping the ground going Mach 1 and dropping bombs.. :< that was cool, not long range missiles
Time to drop some Japanese history of 1945 books over there
The strikes will continue at the time and place of their choosing.
Oh bless their hearts…looks like Bombs Without Borders is at it again! Wonderful organization!
Not a single cell phone in sight. Just people living in the moment
US said “While we’re here…”
I see a body flying around
Welcome to the party boys.
Gotta hand it to us, nobody does bombs like the US.
Fuck the houthis
I can’t even imagine.
Why run? There’s no safety to find.
Hopefully something more important than a goat was killed. How are these missiles getting to the Houthis? Ship, air and if so don’t we have the assets in the area to blockade this fly infested POS country?
The sound of a bald eagle swooping in, brings tears to my eyes
WW3 is gonna be lit