David Gilmour tadelt Roger Waters und mögliches Pink-Floyd-Reunion: „Absolut nicht.“ Ich neige dazu, mich von Leuten fernzuhalten, die aktiv völkermörderische und autokratische Diktatoren unterstützen.



  1. AugustWest7120 on

    Gilmour no longer has to play nice w Roger. He’ll be unfiltered for a while!

  2. Waters’ music style inspired me to learn bass guitar back in the 80s. Didn’t bother to learn much about him as a person until recently. Don’t meet your heroes, kids.

    ETA: And my dumbass thought David Gilmour was the bad guy for branching off to make his own music and use the Pink Floyd name. Boy, was I wrong.

  3. kneelB4yourmaster on

    Waters has always been a creep and a freak. Always. Good on Gilmore. I suspect he’s wanted to say something about that freak for a long time. Gilmore was always the man. Rock on into the next life.

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