Gardaí ist gezwungen, eine klarstellende Erklärung zu vorsätzlichen Fehlinformationen abzugeben

Von irishoverhere


  1. FingalForever on

    Sad to see that the Garda needed to issue such, bit of a disgrace on those people spreading disinformation.

  2. The fact that disinformation has to be called out like this in order to stop the usual suspects making up some fantasy is ridiculous. Where were these concerned citizens when it was discovered that woman was tortured last week? Not a peep on twitter from them.

  3. TheStoicNihilist on

    I must be doing something right if I’ve no idea what they’re on about.

  4. Apprehensive_Ratio80 on

    After watching that Inside the Protest documentary the other week I don’t blame them for trying to shut down this misinformation ASAP!!!!

  5. HallInternational434 on

    Elon musk himself shares disinformation about immigrants, didn’t he do that on some Irish unfortunate events recently or something?

    I think all police forces in democratic countries should make these announcements and start to address the crazy amounts of disinformation coming out of china, Russia and its allies which musk is a complete shill, trump too all to divide and weaken western countries

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