Bewaffnete Gardaí reagieren, als zwei Männer bei einer Massenschlägerei im Stadtzentrum von Dublin mit einer Axt auf den Kopf einschlagen

Von Holiday_Toe5779


  1. TheStoicNihilist on


    Is there anything to be said for another mass brawl?

  2. its_winter14 on

    Reading that article title I thought the vikings were back causing trouble.

  3. A brawl between a Romanian begging gang and a group of Dublin men who “use the North inner city property for grazing horses”?

    If the mods had the courage to leave it open this comment section could be record breaking.

  4. rinleezwins on

    >Over 15 Romanian nationals are understood to have used a variety of weapons including axes, poles, hammers, bats and sledgehammers to attack the three Dublin men.

    I’m a Pole and I am outraged by the fact that my fellow countrymen are being exploited as weapons. Stop this nonsense at once.

  5. HappyMike91 on

    Why would anyone need to bring an axe to a fight? That’s just crazy.

  6. >The suspects in the case are a Romanian gang understood to have links to organised street begging in the capital.

    >Sources say that they have been squatting at a north inner city property for a considerable amount of time.

    >It is understood the Dublin men also use part of this property for the grazing of horses and a row about this led to the shocking scenes that unfolded at lunchtime yesterday.

    Fuck there’s a lot to unpack here.

  7. ThreeTreesForTheePls on

    I know the budget was fairly disappointing but I didn’t realise tensions were this high over it.

  8. What happens when an unstoppable transient force meets an immovable transient object.

  9. stereoroid on

    I was imagining this happening in Donnybrook, which would have been poetically ironic. Or is it ironically poetic?

  10. Justin-Timberlake on

    Round up, arrest, deport.

    Yes, it’s that simple but they won’t do that cause they’re a bunch of fucking morons.

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