Orbán droht Brüssel (übersetzt)


Von ViElskerDetteLandet_


  1. Beunhaasnr2 on

    Can`t we trade Hungary for Ukraine to join Russia? Clearly what he wants so winwin?

  2. He took (another) page out of the MAGA handbook.

    Anyhow, Hungarians are leaving Hungary, he creates migration.

  3. Expat_Angel_Fire on

    What migrants? Those 2000 human traffickers that he actually let go for “cost reasons”?

  4. MartijnProper on

    I somehow feel that somewhere along the trip from Budapest to Brussels, those busses will be turned around…

  5. Unhappy_Surround_982 on

    I’m sure that will work out for Hungarians Schengen access…

  6. IllEffectLii on

    Hungary ain’t going nowhere.

    Yesterday I watched Macron speak to Bloomberg and he echoed many of the points from the Draghi report where some of them are already implemented in Hungary.

    It’s not very wise to distance youself from partners in a world where there are a few big forces like China, USA, Russia etc. and Europe is kinda doing the opposite instead of building these mutually beneficial relationships.

  7. PastPanic6890 on

    Sure, nobody will notice a bus full of migrants travelling from Hungary to Brussels.

  8. I suspect holding back funds is useless again. As the last time you lot did that. The turned the page back the second he got it

  9. _gurgunzilla on

    Sure thing, we can deduct all expenses due to this from any money hungary would be getting from the union. Or maybe bring it up a notch and take all funding to deal with migrant issues from hungary

  10. Yeah…Orbi threatens….just the same as his Pooty buddy…everybody is threatening all the time and of course, thats news.

    Bring it on, actions speak more than words, you fat hungarian toad.

  11. Fickle-Message-6143 on

    Didn’t USA govt started taking borders more seriously after border states sent migrants to central states?

  12. BleuRaider on

    Good luck trafficking migrants across Europe after announcing it. Lol

  13. What migrant in their right mind would want go to Hungary?

    I understand Ukrainian migrants going to fellow slavic countries like Poland, and Czechia

    I understand migrants going to economically powerful countries like Germany or France

    But who tf would go to Hungary?

    Stop crying Orban, nobody wants to Hungary anyway

  14. moskoviititonripulia on

    I am disgusted that as a citizen of a country part of EU is giving my tax money for this putins little cocksleeve. Fuck him and fuck his voters. I want my money back.

  15. rrrmmmrrrmmm on

    Well, he doesn’t want to have migrants with a certain religion or skin colour but he absolutely _loves_ Russians and Belarusians so much that [he’s making it easier for them (especially if they work for their respective governments) to enter the European Union](https://www.rferl.org/a/hungary-russia-belarus-entry-orban-eu/33056260.html).

    And he loves to strengthen the economic dependecy of the European Union to Russia by building power plants that are going to be dependent to Russia’s Rosatom.

  16. They are literally never getting to Brussels lol, this isn’t the US. Germany just recently started border checks you can already guess, won’t allow these buses to even cross its territory. France is thinking of doing the same, so there is quite literally no possible route from Hungary to Brussels.

  17. Suzume_Chikahisa on

    Obligatory reminder to Orban:

    Article 50 exists, you can use it.

  18. Useless_or_inept on

    Didn’t Greek politicians threaten the same thing, a few years ago? Write off more of our government’s debts or we’ll give the refugees one-way tickets to Berlin, that kind of thing.

  19. TheCarnivorishCook on

    Either mass immigration is a huge benefit to the host country and Brussels should want them from Hungary, or its a massive cost and Brussels should want to join Hungary in blocking them.
    You can’t have it both ways.

    If you want the “far right” to stop winning elections, stop telling bigger and more obvious lies than they do.

  20. thatsexypotato- on

    I wrote my Bachelor thesis on Orban and this Immigrant saga. I have to thank him for his insanity since I never run out of things to write about. 

  21. Opposite-Club2863 on

    Hungary has the right to stay Hungarian. Take a look at the state of Brussels. Very appalling!

  22. Cheeki-Breekiv12 on

    send the migrants send millions flood the citys. note im not in eu but i wanna read the news cause its funnie

  23. Scorpio_198 on

    Just kick them out of the EU and close the borders and embargo the fuck out of Hungary.
    Let’s see how long it takes until Orbans disgusting regime collapses after that.

  24. el_pito_saugo on

    Guys, seriously, why the fuck haven’t we kicked him out of the EU yet?

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