Hisbollah-Kommunikation. Chef Muhammad Rashid Shafi bestätigte seinen Tod



    1. TheShakyHandsMan on

      How did the comms chief avoid the radio and pager malfunctions?

    2. StarDolphin63 on

      Taking on a new position is dangerous work in the Hezbollah

      It’s a blast

    3. Spare-Abrocoma-4487 on

      What’s the average tenure of a terrorist commander these days.. Sounds like it’s in days

    4. thatoneluckyfarmer99 on

      Talk about explosive career progression! Do they get compensated for short tenure?

    5. I’m surprised he died in an Israeli airstrike and not at the hands of the remaining Hezbollah leadership for being in charge of communications when pagers and radios exploded.

    6. bruhbelacc on

      I bet getting a promotion in Hezbollah is now one of the exceptions where people don’t brag about it on LinkedIn

    7. Memes_Haram on

      “Hezbollah Inc offers a fast paced corporate environment with numerous opportunities for promotion.”

      From their LinkedIn

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