Nach Angaben russischer Sender hat die Ukraine ein Munitionsdepot in der Stadt Kurtschatow im Oblast Kursk, wenige Kilometer vom Kernkraftwerk entfernt, getroffen. Sekundärexplosionen sind zu hören [October 2024]

Von CupCharacter853


  1. So they keep that shit near a church and civilian homes? Hezbollah would be proud.

  2. CupCharacter853 on

    There were multiple claims for the weapons used like AASM Hammer, (HIMARS) MLRS, drones etc, now they seem to have settled on a drone that was suppressed by EW and the crash started a fire who would have thought…

    >”In the Kurchatov area, a Ukrainian aircraft-type UAV was suppressed by electronic warfare. As a result of its fall, explosions occurred in an outbuilding unrelated to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. Emergency services are working at the scene.”

    Location at 51.658992, 35.669072 (credits to https://t. me/kiber_boroshno/10206)

  3. Huh who would’ve thought keeping ammo dumps near a NPP could be a terrible idea.

  4. TigersStripe on

    “Our enemy hit a militarily important target… By accident, we promise!”

  5. AncientAdvisor8298 on

    Why does such a rich and sluggish country like Russia look worse than poor Ukraine?

  6. Disastrous-Border-58 on

    Shits exploding, let me stand by this window real quick.

  7. Available_Mixture604 on

    I always stand in the window when an ammo dump is on fire.

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