Mit Karottenstiften, damit du weißt, dass ich es wirklich bin. Ich freue mich sehr über alle Kommentare zu meinen vorherigen Beiträgen – die hilfreichen und die lustigen –, aber ich vermute, dass es euch allen langweilig wird, wenn ich weiterhin Bilder von meinen Mahlzeiten poste. Nochmals vielen Dank, Sie alle haben mir das Gefühl gegeben, sehr willkommen zu sein!

    Von trustthebear


    1. Bread with makrell and cucumber is looking good, maybe add a dash of pepper. What’s the deal with the carrots though?

    2. TimelyDrummer4975 on

      Bleeeh 🤢 makrell in tomato worst product in norway. Smells like death, smell contaminate everything one touch,should be illegal🤣

    3. hellspawner on

      Egg also goes well on top of the makrell. But this is much better than the kaviar bridge from yesterday.

      Edit: god damn. After inspecting i see the god damn bridge again. CONTAIN THE FOODS ON SINGULAR BREAD SLICES. Do not cross contaminate. I see the Macrell touching across the breads. Is this intentional to piss people off?

    4. LeanUpAgainst on

      Makrell i tomat… jeg vet det høres sykt ut, men prøv med banan i stedet for agurk! 🙂

    5. UpperCardiologist523 on

      With a little salt on the cucumbers, this could easily be my breakfast. Well, without the carrot sticks, those are *your* signature.

      If you ever try butter here, go for Kviteseiedsmør. It doesn’t come in those 1-use small dose packages though.

      Hopy you like it here.

    6. Odd-Jupiter on

      You are doing very well here. Next thing you know, you find yourself with ski’s on your legs eating your “matpakke” in nordmarka.

      >Last thing you should try, is [“leverpostei”]( or the [ovnsbakt leverpostei]( version for experts.

      Also an old staple in Norwegian breakfast/lunch cuisine.

      It goes well with cucumber on top, but is particularly good with pickled cucumber. You can also have some red onions, or fried onions on top.

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