Suttons Mutter Deveca Rose ist schuldig, weil ihre vier Söhne bei einem Hausbrand ums Leben gekommen sind

Von alyaaz


  1. CrispoClumbo on

    Absolutely heartbreaking. 

    It seems everyone surrounding this family knew the mother wasn’t coping and still nobody stepped in. Those poor boys were failed by everyone, the health visitor service, the school, the social work, their dad, their grandma, and of course, their mum. Suffocated while surrounded by their own excrement. 

    Tragic, tragic story. No idea what they’ll sentence the mother with, I doubt any punishment will touch the sides of knowing you’re responsible for the deaths of your precious babies. 

    But it’s okay, “lessons will be learned”. 

    Rest in peace little ones. 

  2. cyb3rheater on

    More children let down by social services. I know they do a really hard job but come on.

  3. White_Immigrant on

    Forcing four children to live in filth, use buckets for toilets because the bathroom was full of rubbish, not sending them to school for weeks and then going to the shops leaving them locked in the house with a naked flame burning. I’m surprised this woman is only facing manslaughter charges, absolutely disgusting child abuse.

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