1. IngloriousTom on

    Focusing on the renewable target rather than plain emissions might be the most braindead take from the EU.

    I can’t fathom the absurdity of the worst polluter of the continent lecturing one of the most efficient.

  2. Metanoiamd on

    How about no?

    Nuclear baseload production is needed. This energy is clean.

  3. No-Entrepreneur-7496 on

    My wish-list: Kick out Scholz and finally stop Germany, Austria and Belgium from influencing our energy mix and therefore the (insane) prices of energy.

  4. CoriousIguana on

    Who? The guy that even the German wants gone? The guy who’s party is going to fall behind threshold next election? The guy who’s party leadership just fucked off because they keep bleeding votes?

  5. myassislazy on

    Looks like a Russian, walks like a Russian, talks like a Russian , must be an Russian asset trying to force Europe to be weak and dependent on Russian nuclear energy for future profit

  6. It’s like saying my healthy food wish-list: Kick vegetables out of the menu.

    I’m sure German politicians can’t be this dumb, so why are they so against nuclear?

  7. 0rganic_Corn on

    As long as coal exists, we need to prop up nuclear

    Coal generates more radioactive residue, and pumps it directly into our lungs. To anyone rational – it’s a no brainer to help nuclear over coal

    Once coal and maybe gas disappear, we can talk about nuclear again. Until then everyone that wants to shut nuclear down should be treated like an idiot and isolated from making political decisions

  8. CyberWeaponX on

    Germany out of all places with their absurdly high energy prices should not lecture other countries in that regard.

  9. yannynotlaurel on

    It’s always simpler to amputate something you think you don’t need than to actually get your ass up and work on improving your health

  10. Incorrigible_Gaymer on

    Yeah. Kick the competition out. It’s not about being greener or less green. It’s all about money. They just want it all for themselves.

    It’s the same strategy like Musk saying that lithium battery EVs are the only way to go and any other ICE alternatives are crap.

  11. Germany Is never beating the “hate nuclear more than climates change” allegations.

  12. wolfhound_doge on

    it’s good that Sven is only one person and not an entire country. let’s hope he’ll be quickly forgotten and the Germans elect someone with at least a single working brain cell instead.

  13. lobotomyExpress on

    If Germany only wants renewables and gas/coal let them. But don’t spread the ideology to countries who value nuclear and prioritizes lower emissions and a stable grid.

  14. Drroringtons on

    Nuclear is the only way, especially in the EU west where we lack the sunlight for solar year round. And especially with the massive increases in energy demand in the pipeline as a result of required compute for AI and other technological innovation.

    Its also an easy segway investment to continue pushing towards fusion, which is basically the energy equivalent of god-hood. Being an expert in solar or wind doesn’t provide that same luxury.

    And yes, whilst it produces nuclear waste, it’s no more guilty than other renewables that rely massively on metals and components mined and built with slave labor.

    We have to get out of our own way, with all the red tape and overthinking.

  15. LookThisOneGuy on

    countries building nuclear is an okay idea.

    Forcing the EU member with the 2nd worst performing economy, a recession and a debt-to-GDP ratio that is above the EU set killer limit (which means the EU would punish us if we pay more btw) to pay even more EU funding of which they get zero back into their own economy is not however.

    Solidarity dictates that those who can (based on solid positive growth) to help those with the worst economies. Which right now includes Germany at recession growth levels. I am glad German government finally realized that they are the ones that need to demand solidarity (and took a page out of the veto-buddies playbook), because we will not be given it by others.

  16. Ihate_elves on

    Germany have been sabotaging France’s nuclear industry for more than 30 years now, invested as much as 300 millions euros in lobbying against it. I guess we can curse the Tchernobyl incident that gave them cause to discredit all nuclear technologies. It’s purely economic war as to weaken France claim on cheap energy. And all of EU policies seems to be tailored made to benefit their car industry and economy, They can flaunt about their green energy when they close their freaking coal mines.

  17. dont_say_Good on

    getting rid of nuclear and fully swallowing that antinuclear propaganda was such a dumb move..

  18. Let Germany be stupid when it comes to Nuclear, no need to propagate their bad propaganda

  19. MonkeyPunchIII on

    Germany is always shooting in the opposite direction as they should.

  20. rohnaddict on

    Germans doing what they do best. Destroy Europe. Nobody should listen to what these idiots have to say.

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