Very interesting. I’d love to see a third line: Private University minus average tuition forgiveness. I bet we’d see it level out as with public universities.
Yalay on
$100,000 for four years is nothing. There are universities charging $60,000+/year. And that’s before other mandatory fees or room & board.
10133960ddd on
I want to address a significant misconception about private university costs which is rampant on reddit and may be leading to poor decisions by some students here.
The “sticker price” for the elite private universities is a very intentionally inflated price to squeeze the most out of wealthy international students and the top 5% of income earners in the US. If you’re a US citizen from a middle class family you will pay a fraction of this cost and if you’re from a low incone family you may end up paying nothing. In many cases an elite private school will actually cost LESS than a state school (especially an out of state school). If you want to go to one of these universities and are scared off by the high sticker price you absolutely SHOULD still apply. Compare the actual prices after your financial aid and scholarships packages are included and don’t get intimidated into not applying by a number that has no application to you personally.
thisismydgafaccount on
“What kind of colossal moron pays $200,000 for a teaching degree?”
– Organic Chem professor sophomore year referring to my gf at TCU
yeluapyeroc on
so can daycare, apparently
iamthemosin on
Let’s see Real Wages’ inflation.
fastinserter on
I paid this amount 20 years ago
BewareOfDoug98 on
Those averages are on the low side, the Public average $9,349 is really misleading. In state tuition is around 11-12k for a public, out of state public is 35-40k. My kid has an scholarship offer of 15,000/year to a good OOS public school, the cost of attending for 4 years is still $190,000.
What makes me furious is the fact that they didn’t even care to adjust for inflation. Line will still go up, so why being so sloppy?
AllUsernamesTaken711 on
There are colleges with damn near 100k total cost each year
Ravens181818184 on
Not really relevant to look at the sticker price considering the vast majority of individuals are paying significantly differently prices to what is displayed
IrregularBastard on
My friend had to take out 60k for undergrad and then 270k for med school. Early 2000’s.
While a doc is being paid a pittance in residency the interest accrues. So by the end of residency she had nearly 500k in student debt. Then they get a real salary and begin paying it back.
zarth109x on
Total cost of attendance at certain universities can exceed $80k per year and even come close to $90k for international students (NYU, USC, UChicago for example)
Made in: PowerBI
Source: [](
This chart is an excerpt from our newsletter issue on “The cost of a child”. You can find the full article and charts at
Very interesting. I’d love to see a third line: Private University minus average tuition forgiveness. I bet we’d see it level out as with public universities.
$100,000 for four years is nothing. There are universities charging $60,000+/year. And that’s before other mandatory fees or room & board.
I want to address a significant misconception about private university costs which is rampant on reddit and may be leading to poor decisions by some students here.
The “sticker price” for the elite private universities is a very intentionally inflated price to squeeze the most out of wealthy international students and the top 5% of income earners in the US. If you’re a US citizen from a middle class family you will pay a fraction of this cost and if you’re from a low incone family you may end up paying nothing. In many cases an elite private school will actually cost LESS than a state school (especially an out of state school). If you want to go to one of these universities and are scared off by the high sticker price you absolutely SHOULD still apply. Compare the actual prices after your financial aid and scholarships packages are included and don’t get intimidated into not applying by a number that has no application to you personally.
“What kind of colossal moron pays $200,000 for a teaching degree?”
– Organic Chem professor sophomore year referring to my gf at TCU
so can daycare, apparently
Let’s see Real Wages’ inflation.
I paid this amount 20 years ago
Those averages are on the low side, the Public average $9,349 is really misleading. In state tuition is around 11-12k for a public, out of state public is 35-40k. My kid has an scholarship offer of 15,000/year to a good OOS public school, the cost of attending for 4 years is still $190,000.
What makes me furious is the fact that they didn’t even care to adjust for inflation. Line will still go up, so why being so sloppy?
There are colleges with damn near 100k total cost each year
Not really relevant to look at the sticker price considering the vast majority of individuals are paying significantly differently prices to what is displayed
My friend had to take out 60k for undergrad and then 270k for med school. Early 2000’s.
While a doc is being paid a pittance in residency the interest accrues. So by the end of residency she had nearly 500k in student debt. Then they get a real salary and begin paying it back.
Total cost of attendance at certain universities can exceed $80k per year and even come close to $90k for international students (NYU, USC, UChicago for example)