Dem Bericht zufolge ist Irlands Steuersystem das fortschrittlichste aller fortgeschrittenen Volkswirtschaften

Von That_Technician_439


  1. TheFreemanLIVES on

    Sorry to be the debbie downer, but “according to the Department of Finance” and all the bright claims made within in a country where renters struggle to have a roof over their head doesn’t really cut the mustard…but hey! The booms getting boomier, sunshine and rainbows coming out of their arses, what could go wrong?

    I’ll guess you’ll want me to take Bertie’s advice on the matter soon daring to have a different opinion and not being happy for **your** relative comfort in this economy lol.

  2. ___mememe___ on

    It’s a quite unfair system for people squeezed in the middle who are yet to build their lives and get hit by USC and 40% tax in the current economy.

  3. Danielsaurr on

    Is this part of the reason for the housing crisis? I don’t know much about economics but wouldn’t Irish people then just not invest money in ETFs and stocks because ROI would be taxed so much? Leading to the only smart thing to do with money is to buy property, but then when you pay inflated prices you do whatever you can to stop properties going down in value through NIMBY objections which the Irish system allows to be abused. Am I just making a weird correlation though?

  4. Hour_Mastodon_9404 on

    We do very well as minimising income inequality through our tax system alright,, wealth inequality is a bit more sketchy.

    In any case, it’s a strong rebuttal to the oft-stated claim that Ireland is a “Neo-Liberal” economy – Ireland is many things, but Neo-Liberal is not one of them.

  5. taibliteemec on

    The department of finance investigated themselves and found that they’re the best in the world. How is this newsworthy.

  6. Shadowbringers on

    This is literally from a self-made report by the Department of Finance.
    Cheers The ~~Irish~~ Government Times.

  7. Inexorable_Fenian on

    Great job on the Dept of Finance for this report saying that they’re doing a stellar job!

    Hey guys, also news just in. I’m the soundest and sexiest of any man, according to this new report I’ve published. Please bow in awe

  8. sassy_and_i_know_it on

    Most people don’t know what “progressive” means in this context. It does not mean: modern / better / fairer / good. It means: if you have the temerity to earn more money, we’ll tax the fk out of you by progressively increasing the rates. And then we’ll completely waste it all.

  9. And there was I, convinced by Reddit that we lived in a right wing, “neoliberal” hellhole.

  10. Now make a report about what people get in return of paying this “progressive” taxes.

    Let me tell you: Nothing

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