23andMe steht am Abgrund. Was passiert mit all seinen DNA-Daten?



  1. DoingItForEli on

    Sold on the black market to get cloned and organ harvested. If you submitted DNA to them, there’s likely a copy of you out there already, writhing in agony, experiencing the closest thing to hell one can imagine. But at least you found a cousin living 5 states over!

  2. ReallyFineWhine on

    You have to ask? It’s a corporate asset that will be sold.

  3. I_Never_Lie_II on

    It’ll be bought up by private equity as the company dissolves, then it’ll be sold to the highest bidder, who will likely be the last person you want to have it, but you’ll never even know it happened because it’ll all take place behind doors that are technically open, but impossible to penetrate by anyone other than the people they want behind them.

    Welcome to not owning your body.

  4. Busy-Winter-1897 on

    I am so glad I never even opened up the box I got for Christmas one year. This was my biggest concern.

  5. Ok-Wishbone2125 on

    A socially responsible employee should destroy it all. They would be a hero

  6. PurpleLettuceMan on

    Only good solution would be to sell it to ancestry. Best chance of keeping the data safe unless its destroyed all together, but we already know that wont happen.

  7. Sensitive_Scar_1800 on

    Clone me! I would love to run into me on the street….id literally pay to clone dozens of me and release them into the town where my ex lives! Lol

  8. pimpzilla83 on

    Does it not fall under the healthcare definition if it sells to a company doing medical research,? I mean, if the data would be applied to use in healthcare.

  9. Difficult to understand why stock price is so
    Low with such a low market cap and they’ve pivoted to multiple business segments.

    The CEO is terrible if she can’t turn a profit that’s pretty much what the board just said when they quit.

  10. duckdodgers4 on

    Conveniently enough, yesterday another dna data collector was posting a generous discount and easy import from other collectors.

  11. I can’t believe people willing gave their DNA to some unknown corporation so they could see they’re part African

  12. >Question: What happens to all its DNA data

    I’m guessing the answer rhymes with “sell it for untold millions to insurance companies”

  13. Insurance companies will buy or licence the information so they can quietly raise premiums on individuals with genetic predispositions to expensive illnesses. But it won’t cost them anything because they’ll raise everyone’s premiums a little bit to cover the cost of the data.

  14. All its data will be sold along with the company in accordance with the terms of the agreement every customer signed when they paid for the service.

    “But surely they can’t just *sell* my *genetic* information to some other company,” people will argue, but what did they expect to happen if the company were to be sold in the future? What else would a potential buyer actually want from a company that does genetic testing? That’s their primary asset.

    Frankly, the company probably wouldn’t exist if this weren’t the case, because an investor is going to want certain guarantees that if the company doesn’t do well, they can salvage some of their investment by selling it off, and they can’t sell a company without any desirable assets that a potential buyer would want.

    Anyone who handed their DNA over to some corporation—that never once promised not to do this—hasn’t got a leg to stand on if they don’t want their data sold. It’s going to happen, and they agreed to it.

    We need laws governing this sort of thing if we care about privacy, but I think we don’t actually care about privacy. I think we’ve proven to ourselves and our corporate overlords that we’ll trade privacy for convenience and shiny things any day of the week. People post the most intimate details of their lives online without a second thought; we just don’t care.

  15. savagebongo on

    GDPR and other frameworks apply here. There will be enormous fines if anything funny happens.

  16. Classic_Result on

    Better than when 23 of Me was shut down. So many investors were BESIDE themselves…

  17. Cursed2Lurk on

    These threads keep popping up and it’s a big issue so I would hope that everyone knows you can delete your own data on their website. If you’re worried about it just login and speak to customer service they will delete your account and your genetic information. You can download your genetic information before you do so if you want to use it for something else and get what you paid for.

    I suggest you tell everyone to delete their own accounts rather than praying some rogue employee is going to do it for you.

  18. Javasndphotoclicks on

    Props these days are so will to be spied on and have their DNA harvested these days.

  19. I don’t even feel comfortable using Embark for my dog, it’s wild to me that people just mindlessly sent their own DNA to a tech startup lol.

  20. InkStainedQuills on

    Yup time to use that possible democratic majority come January to pass some federal laws from baring the sale of collected genetic data, except in cases where a new company is picking up the same research/business that the old one was engaged in. I agreed to research (fearing this day would come but giving into my wife’s desire) because we wanted to check our genetic history and possible comorbidities our kids could suffer from. Should we have done this through our doctor’s office? That probably would have been better. Did our doctors want to do it? Nope they said it will be way cheaper and easier to do it this way. So here we are, needing protection from ourselves and a marketplace we put hope into, only to watch the facade start falling one brick at a time.

  21. Man I just bought a test kit from them and now I’m not sure what to do. Are there more ethical places that do ancestry/health testing?

  22. Wolfman01a on

    We tried to tell you not to be stupid enough to sign up for this crap. Now who knows who’s going to end up with your data.

  23. Is the data anonymized? How can they keep as and sell peoples medical information?

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