Ein Rekordwert von 96,4 % der im September in Norwegen verkauften Autos waren vollelektrisch


Von Straight_Ad2258


  1. ElectricalRedditorXL on

    Remove all disadvantages to ICE and let the market choose what people want to drive let’s see how many EVs get sold

  2. Straight_Ad2258 on

    What a waste for Norway

    How dare they use their oil revenues to decarbonize their economy?

    Imagine all the countries they could invade and destroy if they were wise, like Saudi Arabia,Russia,Iran

    How can they sleep at night knowing that their oil revenues aren’t used to bomb to dust schools and hospitals?

    Or at least use their oil and gas revenues to fund climate change denial think thank like American oil industry does?

    How dare they, Norwegians truly are the worst custodians of their natural resources


  3. Potatoe_expert on

    Why are people surprised everytime this comes up? This is Europe not Muuurica. The running costs of a bensin or diesel car are simply higher than full electric one, everywhere in Europe. With a full tank (50-60 litres tank) a bensin or diesel car goes 800 to 1000 km. The full tank will cost anywhere between 90-110 €. I am using euros since dollars are at similar exchange rate now.

    So, long story short, 1000 km cost around 100€/$. The same 1000 km will cost only 30-40 eur/$ for electric car (assume 25 kWh/100 km to be on safe side). That’s twice less, with current Norwegian electric prices. So why should people not save 50% in travel costs?

  4. furniturecats on

    S true.
    Most cars I see on my daily drives are electric.
    My work car is, and my private car too

  5. According-Buyer6688 on

    Not surprised that they do choose EVs but surprised that they do choose Tesla. What a waste

  6. I hope you guys aren’t* putting your money in that Tesla dickhead’s pockets.

  7. With a speed limit of 80 kph it would only hurt driving a real car there anyway.

  8. Mysterious_End_2462 on

    All ok until someone starts to lie and try to spread the EV is green bullshit.

  9. You really save the planet by selling oil to subsidize electric cars. /s

  10. stahpstaring on

    When war ever breaks out and the electricals fail due to bombing all these people will be stuck like rats in a trap

  11. EyyyyyyMacarena on

    Imagine the mother of all solar flare hits and everyone on Norway is back to bikes.

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