Die Familie eines Mannes, der starb, nachdem er neun Stunden auf dem Stuhl im Krankenhaus von Cork verbracht hatte, sagt, dass daraus Lehren gezogen werden müssen


Von princess_watshername


  1. Lessons will never be learned the HSE has been “learning” them for decades but never changes.

  2. Absolutely shocking stuff, how does a man lying on the floor in pain, where he can’t even sit in a chair, get ignored for 9 full hours.

  3. mother_a_god on

    Learning lessons is what is always said. We need action to actually change things. Every year more money goes in and the result is the same. Like many, inlay a fortune in tax, yet I’m genuinely concerned about getting old, as the health system is a lottery. I had a visit to A&E for some chest pain and was there 8 hours before basically leaving. I was triaged to be fair, but it was basic, and then sent back out to a chair with no follow up. 

  4. das_punter on

    FFG are like our version of Trump, no news story is going to impact their vote.

  5. flemishbiker88 on

    Prime Coverage of Aoife Johnstones death in UL tonight…

    Earlier tonight I had a FF TD can assess, and I told them how I felt about the state of the HSE and the A&E services…The TD was happy about me bringing it up, and that their party had that young girls blood on their hands, also the TD never knows it was being covered on Prime Time tonight….I was absolutely furious with the almost hand waving of my concerns 

  6. PreparationLoud8790 on

    nothing other than massive protests will change much of anything at this point.

    this government needs to go

  7. I have spent a lot of time in A&E the last few months with an ongoing issue that I’m waiting on my second surgery for and everytime I go in I’m appalled at how bad it is.

    One time there was a man in his 30s sitting on a chair (there’s a place in my local A&E where they’ve taken out a cubicle and have put 6 chairs for people to sit on, he was in one of them) for nearly 40 hours, not even on a trolley!

    I’ve seen people coming in with suspected appendicitis and told to sit in them chairs for up to 14 hours until they can get a scan done the next day.

    They nearly sent me home when I needed emergency surgery after a specialist came down ready to discharge me without even looking at my most recent scan and notes.

    Honestly with the things I’ve seen this doesn’t shock me at all. My heart goes out to this man’s family.

  8. shamsham123 on

    If we keep voting for FF and FG things will definitely change! They have only been in government for last decade….any day now things will change 😂

  9. How many times this week has the HSE promised to learn and change after some catastrophic event

  10. Breaker_Of_Chains18 on

    So many of these stories and yet we’re spending 9 million on magnetic phone pouches 🤯 just stop the world and let me off please

  11. My sister-in-law’s father died from similar failings at CUH about two years ago. “Fortunately” he was a much older man who was approaching the end anyway so the tragedy of it isn’t the same. And in his case it was misdiagnosis followed by surgical error rather than wait times, but medical failure all the same.

    What I learned is that a death of a loved one that should have been prevented is traumatizing, but the hearings and tribunals etc you have to go to afterwards can cause double the grief, as the loss doesn’t “go away” until it’s all said and done.

    The whole situation is untenable. But FFG have fresh-faced Simon Harris to say “I’ll fix it this time for sure” and so they’ll be voted back, and in 5 years they can appoint a new fresh-faced person free from past sins to make the same promises all over again.

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