Untersuchungen ergaben, dass mikrobielle Marker im Darm bei mehreren Krankheiten vorkommen, was den Weg für eine genauere Krankheitsvorhersage und eine personalisierte Behandlung ebnet. Erkrankungen wie Leberzirrhose, Coronavirus und Vorhofflimmern zeigten die deutlichsten Veränderungen in der mikrobiellen Zusammensetzung.



  1. Gut Microbial Signatures for Disease Prediction

    A machine-learning algorithm-based analysis showed that these universal gut microbial signatures can accurately distinguish between patients and healthy individuals with a high degree of accuracy. The model could also differentiate between high-risk patients and healthy individuals.

    For further validation of the prediction model, the study analyzed fecal metagenomes from three independent public cohorts, including bipolar depression, colorectal cancer, and end-stage renal disease. The findings revealed that the prediction model was particularly effective in distinguishing high-risk diseases, though its ability to detect psychiatric diseases was comparatively lower.

    Study Significance

    The study identifies universal gut microbial signatures for common human diseases in the Chinese population. Overall gut microbial structure was strongly associated with common human diseases. These findings suggest that generalized disease-associated gut microbial signatures can accurately classify multiple disease states from a healthy state, opening possibilities for future diagnostic tools and personalized interventions.


  2. SaltZookeepergame691 on

    Diagnosis for these diseases versus *healthy controls* is an irrelevant question in the real world. No doctor needs to spend thousands sequencing the faecal microbiome to tell a patient with end stage renal disease from a person who is fit and healthy.

    If you’re getting newly diagnosed with decompensated cirrhosis, end stage renal disease, or CRC in the basis of your stool microbiome, something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

    And if the tool can tell apart people who are high risk of disease from those who aren’t, great! Prove it is better than existing cheap risk stratification tools.

  3. medtech8693 on

    I think studies of these kind really exposes the problem we have faced with gut biome research.

    Gut Biome is influenced by everything. Brain/Mental state affects the gut by gut brain axis. Everything you eat have an effect. Most medicine have an effect. All previous infection that required antibiotics have long term effect.

    On top of this it is a clusterfuck of confounding factors.

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