Der Asteroid, der die Dinosaurier ausrottete, war laut Wissenschaftlern kein Einzelfall: Scans eines Unterwasserkraters in Westafrika deuten darauf hin, dass etwa zur gleichen Zeit ein weiterer großer Asteroid auf den Planeten einschlug


  1. waldo--pepper on

    So poor Barney got both barrels then. Life has been unfair since forever.

  2. TruthExecutionist on

    As someone with an irrational fear of asteroids, this is certainly nightmare fuel.

  3. I could stay awake just to hear you breathing. Watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you’re far away and dreaming. I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever, where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure.

  4. ThemosttrustedFries on

    The Asteroid might have splitted into 2 or even several more pieces when it got into Earth’s orbit. The America continent and the Africa continent was much closer 65 million years ago. There is also the whole theory about Deccan Traps being among what killed the Dinosaurs but was the Asteroid impact the reason for why the Deccan traps erupted so much basalt lava? I don’t really know but maybe the shockwaves from the Asteroid impact disrupted the earth’s core and cause the flow of lava to go to the opposite direction of Earth because of the impact.

  5. The second asteroid proves that it was deliberate. Alien terrorists waging war on dinosaurs!

  6. I heard God was big on skee-ball, I think maybe he’s not that good at it.

  7. RevivedMisanthropy on

    A two-for-one special on global extinction grade asteroids? Count me in.

  8. IdidntVerify on

    I like the theory that most of the dinosaurs were already dead from the thousands of years of continent sized toxic lava fields belching gases into the atmosphere.

  9. NasoLittle on

    Two in a short amount of time sounds like planetary bombing

    but I’m just a scifi nerd

  10. bukbukbuklao on

    Sounds like madara was fighting the shinobi alliance back in the day of the dinosaurs.

  11. turducken1898 on

    “Mr. Rex, a second asteroid has hit the planet” *panicked roaring*

  12. MinerReddit on

    This is what happens when your nuke goes off past zero barrier. Really should have found someone better than Harry Stamper.

  13. TheRageDragon on

    I meannnn if if two asteroids can hit at the same time then I should be able to win the dang lottery >.> ^^/s

  14. TIL Googling “chicxulub crater” is an Easter Egg that makes an asteroid come down and crash!

  15. I always wonder how lucky we are that we’re alive…or is there a divine unseen protection?

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