MAGA-gegen-MAGA-Gewalt bricht in der Nähe des Veranstaltungsorts der Trump-Kundgebung aus


  1. Notice how no white Trump supporter intervenes until the black Trump supporter gets into a position where they can retaliate. I wonder why that is.

  2. MellowMolly66 on

    Silly question here, please don’t ban me…why are they fighting when they are united in stupidity…maybe I just answered my own question.

  3. weekendluddite on

    I look at white magats and say damn how can you get any dumber??? Then I remember black magats exist and I have my answer. 

  4. outdoor-high on

    Black person attacked at Maga rally is the least surprising headline ever.

  5. Castle_Crystals on

    You can hear the white guy say “let’s get him” before striking him repeatedly. There was also a couple clear N words coming from the crowd. 

  6. OutsideSuccotash4503 on

    I’d love to see them all kill each other and we can be done with them

  7. Suspicious-Appeal386 on

    I believe the fight started simply on the true definition of what a “Mushroom dick” actually is.

  8. sagetraveler on

    Well, you have high levels of melanin and go to a Trump rally, what did you expect? Welcome, Sonny? Make yourself at home? Marry my daughter?

  9. Heavy_Hunt7860 on

    Doesn’t everyone want a Christian taliban style autocracy with tons of grift and lies?

    I grew up in a religious household (where my parents said they regretted letting me listen to rock music) and am very clear I don’t want this.

  10. TomorrowLow5092 on

    When he loses this election. The obvious reaction will be to for MAGA to scream and terrorize anyone that reminds them they are SO STUPID for voting for the loser Trump. So take down the TRUMP signs ASAP for their health.

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