Transgender und geschlechtsdiverse Menschen haben ein höheres Risiko für psychische Störungen und Selbstmord. Dieses Ergebnis steht im Einklang mit anderen Studien, die festgestellt haben, dass bei Transgender-Personen im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung deutlich häufiger Gesundheitsdienste im Zusammenhang mit der psychischen Gesundheit in Anspruch genommen werden.


  1. People who get unfairly treated like garbage by society their whole lives are depressed? Who knew???

  2. Luna_EclipseRS on

    I can’t wait for people to use this as an excuse to ban access to gender-affirming care. As if they needed one.

  3. No_Restaurant8931 on

    Everyone here seems to be ignoring the study that was done in San Francisco where trans people who said they felt very accepted and had gender affirming care and had no issues being treated poorly still had a substantially higher incidence rate of suicide and mental health issues than gen pop.

    I am very sympathetic to their problems, I can’t imagine how tough that would be. But I also think it’s incredibly fucked up to just pretend they are perfectly fine and let an entire group of humans kill themselves and generally feel horrible as much as they do. The solution is NOT just kumbaya and be nice. There is so much more to this.

  4. Not surprising when all the research shows social ostracization is the root cause for transgender people’s distress and that social acceptance plummets suicidal ideation and suicide rates.

  5. The following is an important line to show that this is a completely flawed study:

    > The authors suggest the increased risks may be due, at least in part, to experiencing prejudice and harassment throughout life.

    The study doesn’t suggest this, but the authors suggest this. Of course, the authors could have just as easily suggested the opposite causation, but their “research” funding would have dried up.

    There is a correlation. People in this thread are jumping to the causation, as the authors did. That isn’t science, that’s using a correlation to justify your politics.

  6. I feel like there is this group of people not talked about who are cisgender that already have mental health issues.

    Such people were not able to get the proper intervention that they need and they get influenced by to transition. (How they get influenced is another can of worms that I’m not gonna open)

    They think maybe by changing themselves it will fix whatever issues that have. Some people may actually feel better after transitioning but what about those who don’t? They suffer thru the transition process only to realize nothing has changed for the better. This pushes them over the edge they end up as a statistic in a future study.

    So I do wonder if such studies factor in such scenarios else it would mean that healthy trans people were under represented.

  7. faux_glove on

    Gee, I wonder if spending your whole life hiding who you are for fear of being lynched by redcaps has anything to do with that.

  8. DrEdRichtofen on

    This is not a chicken or the egg debate. The mental
    health disorders predict gender questions in a person, not the other way around.

    Coping with your own body is critical in an individual’s mental health. If you are unhappy with the body you were born into, then you are set up for many struggles.

  9. I’m worried people will be so fearful of what this study implies that they will refuse to engage with it, and will focus all their efforts to dismiss it as unimportant or ill informed.

    Trans people aren’t mentally well. This doesn’t make them less than human, this doesn’t make them freaks, this doesn’t make them wrong, and this doesn’t mean they deserve less rights. There is nothing wrong with them ethically or morally, but they absolutely need more support and more care than the average person. And no, I don’t believe this is just ‘because society.’ They have a problem with their own bodies – there is an intrinsic mental health crisis they are undergoing and we need to acknowledge this so that we can make their crisis as painless as possible and provide the gender affirming care they need.

    We don’t need to delude ourselves into thinking trans people are perfectly normal, healthy people to treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve.

  10. James_W_Bottomtooth on

    People who are boys that think they’re girls have mental health issues?…shocking.


    The higher incidence of depression, anxiety, substance abuse and suicidal idealization makes sense in a population that deals with the internal and external stresses that can arise from being trans. The thing that is surprising to me is the increased prevalence of bipolar disorder. Assuming I am reading the statistics correctly (which I may not be) an 18.3% lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder in trans people versus 3.3% in cisgender population seems shockingly high considering the significant genetic component of bipolar. I believe genetics are thought to account for 75-95% of the risk for developing bipolar disorder. Obviously there are environmental factors that also influence its development, but with such a strong genetic component to bipolar, is the stress of being transgender enough to wholly responsible for the huge increase in prevalence? Seems to raise a ‘chicken or the egg’ question.

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