John Deere wird vorgeworfen, in seinen Handbüchern Formulierungen zum Recht auf Reparatur „ausgeschlossen“ zu haben | Senatorin Elizabeth Warren warf dem Unternehmen vor, möglicherweise gegen den Clean Air Act verstoßen zu haben, indem es Informationen über Reparaturen in seinen Handbüchern weggelassen habe.


  1. LustfulLadyMoonligh on

    If the allegations are true I wonder what penalties the company could face. The Clean Air Act has teeth and violations could lead to hefty fines

  2. MerchantOfUndeath on

    Everything I hear about John Deere’s disgusting practices with their machines makes me wonder how half of the crap they do is even tolerated or allowed by the government to continue without wholesale corruption single-handedly upholding those practices.

  3. Fuck_your_future_ on

    Studiously recycling my waste and these massive companies don’t give a fuck.
    Green is just another way to add £££ fuck you.

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