Frühere Beiträge wurden entfernt. Wenn dieser erneut entfernt wird, werde ich ihn nicht erneut veröffentlichen. Als ich das vor zwei Tagen aus dem Fenster gefilmt habe, flogen wir über dem Iran, wahrscheinlich waren ballistische Raketen auf dem Weg nach Israel.

Von terschelling1


  1. Striking-Goat3287 on

    The One Where Two Regional Adversaries Inch Closer To All Out War

  2. I like how your footage was literally sourced by yourself and got removed, like what.

  3. Considering that Iran shot down a civilian airliner back in 2020 when they launched a missile barrage, I’d really hate to be up there

  4. concussive on

    What was it like inside the plane? Were the other passengers aware you were flying so close to this? Did you know that was Iran attacking Israel?

  5. Best part is the Friends episode with ballistic missiles launching behind it.

  6. This video really captures the absurdity of modern life in one short clip. Watching reruns of friends at 10,000 feet in the air going 400mph while a barrage of ballistic missiles cruises by. What a world…

  7. Josh_The_Joker on

    I recently flew over the region and thought what it must look like to be in a plane when the action is happening. Crazy, I’m sure it was scary. Did they announce anything over the intercom to let you know what was happening?

  8. Odd_Distribution1639 on

    Did the pilot say anything? Like: “over to your left is a couple of firewoor… uhhhh… stay calm…*radio silence*”

    No but seriously, any of the crew say anything?

  9. Holy shit. Now that I think about it, it was unbelievably irresponsible of Iran not to warn commercial airlines to stay away.

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