Anastasia, Mutter von zwei Kindern, fuhr mit dem Fahrrad nach Hause, als eine russische Drohne sie verfolgte, eine Granate mit Titansplittern abwarf, sie verletzte und dies filmte. Das Video wurde auf Russian SM mit einem zwinkernden Emoji gepostet

Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. LegalAdviceHope on

    No argument here. No movement. No crossing boarders, no flying. Nothing. They stay in their country and nothing in nothing out.

  2. digitalttoiletpapir on

    You go through this phase where back at the beginning you’d think Russia isn’t insane. Then Russia comes challenging that making us all thing they’ve lost their marbles for the past 3 years. In the end though – there is no insanity. It’s just a underdeveloped country in terms of human rights and empathy. You’d think they would save their drones for ukrainian soldiers – but in reality they’re just cruel and uncivilized.

    If Russia comes out on top of this we can might as well throw human rights and the definition of war crimes in the bin. That can’t happen. Jesus effen christ.

  3. Smart woman to act as she did. Good for those kids to still have a mom. Hope she heals up good. 🇺🇦

  4. Luv2022Understanding on

    Upvoted for the message and and not for this russian war crime.

    Thank you to this young lady for speaking up. I’m so glad she lived and that her 2 children have their mother still with them. 💙💛 I hope they can remain safe until Ukraine is victorious.

    But God damn the evil russian bastards that hunt down civilians on the street, in their homes or out in the community, and injure or kill them. May karma hit putin, and every shit-for-brains fool that follows his orders, a hundred times harder for each atrocity they’ve committed!

  5. VermilionKoala on

    These cunts are out there literally *inventing new war crimes*.

    I hope that once the war is over, SBU spend decades on end tracking down every single one of the subhumans responsible and offing them in hopefully extremely painful ways.

  6. IndustrialPuppetTwo on

    This is why I love seeing video of Ukrainian drone drops on Ruzzian genocidal occupiers. Fuck them all straight to hell, I take pleasure in their suffering.

  7. mister-fackfwap on


    What’s the process to stop war crimes being committed?

  8. Emotional-Job-7067 on

    Can Nato close the skies for humanitarian reasons ?

    If so we all need to start petitions

  9. Clearly, this isn’t a genocide. mother russia is merely protecting its geopolitical interests in light of NATO expansion by targeting this civilian riding a bicycle. /s

  10. SomeoneRandom007 on

    And the CCP says nothing about these war crimes. The CCP should be ashamed of themselves.

  11. Is this an escalation from Russia, and if it is, what’s the corresponding escalation from the West? Sanctions, better weapons?

  12. Taaj_theMirage on

    Im not religious but this war is starting to make me believe in hell.

  13. Straight-Storage2587 on

    I think we should close their skies. NATO, don’t you agree?

  14. Nuremburg is soon going to lose first place for the largest, most extensive war crimes trials ever conducted.

  15. AccurateAssaultBeef on

    Ugh, why can’t we collectively wipe Russia off the face of this earth. Maybe then we can finally have peace.

  16. Putin is such a shit. All this lack of empathy for life and destruction is starting to really get to me. Im furious right now.

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