Israelischer Raketenangriff auf russischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt in Syrien! Luftwaffenstützpunkt Hmeimim im Visier


  1. Corky_Lasorda on

    This is great. Russia and Iran have cast a large shadow over the entire region for far too long.

  2. Sonofagun57 on

    It’s adorable that the Iranians really thought their stuff would be safe landing on a Russian/Syrian base. I can just imagine some IDF personnel monitoring the cargo plane(s) being near dumbfounded watching them land at the base.

  3. Breech_Loader on

    If I read the news correctly, the Hezbollah struck Beirut three times a few hours ago themselves. And unlike some Western nations, Israel doesn’t have the same reputation to maintain when they know who’s *really* pulling the strings in the escalation between Israel and Iran.

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