Aziz Salha, fotografierter Vorbereiter des Lynchmordes in Ramallah, bei IAF-Angriff in Gaza getötet – Bericht


  1. DanDan1993 on

    Salha became famous for waving his hands out the window that were covered in the blood of two IDF reserve soldiers that he and other perpetrators of the lynching had murdered.

    Aziz Salha, one of the perpetrators of the Ramallah lynching in 2000, was killed in an IAF strike in central Gaza, Army Radio reported early Thursday morning, citing Palestinian reports.

    Nearly 24 years ago, IDF reservists Vadim Norzhich and Yosef Avrahami were lynched by a Palestinian mob while detained at the el-Bireh police station in Ramallah after accidentally entering the city controlled by the Palestinian Authority.

    When the two accidentally arrived at the city, the reservists were detained by PA policemen and taken to the local police station in Ramallah’s twin city, el-Bireh, close to the headquarters of PLO chief Yasser Arafat.

    Rumors spread that Israeli undercover agents were being detained at the police station, prompting a crowd of over 1,000 to gather, calling for their deaths.

    The crowd murdered the IDF reservists via beatings and stabbings, which led to Salha being photographed with his bloody hands in the air.

    In December 2022, another one of the perpetrators, Nasser Abu Hamid, died from cancer. He was a founder of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

  2. Look how proud he looks to have the blood of Jews on his hands.

    After that photo, they threw the bodies out of the window to the crowd waiting below. They were then beaten, shot, trampled, set on fire, and then the bodies dragged to the city square to be put on display among fervent celebration.

  3. macross1984 on

    It was 24 years late but the one of murderers of two Israeli finally received overdue justice.

  4. SunsetPathfinder on

    Jesus, these cockroaches really just revel in death and suffering, don’t they? I guess ask Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Kuwait about that and what they think of these roaches.  Well the sower came calling, just wish it could’ve been a bit more painful for human trash like that. 

  5. Wish there would be at least a few conscious moments after death, so these assholes would get to understand that their stupid religion is a scam.

  6. And now Westerners wear the red hand as a symbol of their support for Palestine. Sick people.

  7. there_is_no_spoon1 on

    PERPETRATOR…for fuck’s sake I’m wracking my brain trying to come up with what in the hell a

    # preparator

    *is* but it’s just a hideous misspelling.

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