Die Bearbeitung von CRISPR-Genen hilft Hirnstammzellen bei Mäusen, ihre Jugend wiederzugewinnen. Die Deaktivierung eines am Stoffwechsel beteiligten Gens erneuert die Fähigkeit der Zellen, neue Neuronen auszubilden.



  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


    From the linked article:

    CRISPR helps brain stem cells regain youth in mice

    Disabling a gene involved in metabolism rejuvenates cells’ ability to spin off new neurons.

    Clues to keeping the brain’s regenerative cells youthful and energetic into old age have emerged by applying CRISPR gene editing to mice1.

    Age impedes the ability of the brain’s stem cells to churn out new cells, but the study’s authors found that reducing the activity of a particular gene rejuvenated these stem cells, allowing them to proliferate and provide the brain with a supply of fresh neurons.

    That gene regulates stem cells’ consumption of glucose, a sugar that is key to cellular metabolism. The results in mice fit well with an emerging picture from studies of postmortem human brains. These efforts, too, have found that age affects metabolism in the brain, says Maura Boldrini, a neuroscientist and psychiatrist at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City who was not involved in the latest research. “Probably their metabolism is less efficient than it used to be,” she says, adding that both the human results and the mouse study, published today in Nature, “open new avenues for potential therapeutics.”

  2. BrutallArmadildo on

    I don’t want youthful brain. I want youthful body and dumbed down brain with all of my pension fund money at my disposal.

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