War tactics over the last few years have blown my mind. Imagine where we will be in another 100. If humanity makes it that long…
Yes-Relayer on
I love the sweet smell of napalm in the morning.
Substantial-Tone-576 on
The Russian ones just burn themselves.
Saintlycrazed on
I kinda wonder what kind of mechanism they use to release the thermite and how they protect the drones long enough to fly em. That has to be hot as fuck right?
notveryauthentic on
Aw hell naw imagine looking up and seeing a bunch of sparks falling directly on top of you while your stuck in a trench and can’t do much
MangoKakigori on
How successful is it at ignition of tree’s/ground?
From the foliage it seems like the start and end of the video are 2 different pieces of footage?
DDHLeigh on
So pretty, but so deadly.
ktirol357 on
Imagine a swarm of them doing this in multiple rows and waves
B5_V3 on
environment looks pretty wet this time I wonder how well it worked
edit: looks like it worked great
completelypositive on
Okay now do 3 at once and really get me hard.
Or 6. two rows, three by two. Yeah lets just make this shit really fucking crazy.
Totts3 on
They should also shell the tree line while it’s burning for extra fun.
JerrySmithIsASith on
When in doubt, try fire.
itzSm0key on
Imagine a suicide thermite drone!
Jazzlike_Animator_51 on
Forest faery
Zero_Overload on
What in the hell is it dropping? Thermite?
Ryan0889 on
Bro fuck this. I would be gone. Ain’t no way I’d have the balls to do this
Sgt_carbonero on
Serious question, how is this not considered technically a war crime? Like napalm or the like.
cuck_Sn3k on
How much damage does this do to the drone?
jarjarbinx on
the more you know…
NATO_Will_Prevail on
Please stop doing this at night. It’s the most useless time for it.
They said “fuck your tree line!”
War tactics over the last few years have blown my mind. Imagine where we will be in another 100. If humanity makes it that long…
I love the sweet smell of napalm in the morning.
The Russian ones just burn themselves.
I kinda wonder what kind of mechanism they use to release the thermite and how they protect the drones long enough to fly em. That has to be hot as fuck right?
Aw hell naw imagine looking up and seeing a bunch of sparks falling directly on top of you while your stuck in a trench and can’t do much
How successful is it at ignition of tree’s/ground?
From the foliage it seems like the start and end of the video are 2 different pieces of footage?
So pretty, but so deadly.
Imagine a swarm of them doing this in multiple rows and waves
environment looks pretty wet this time I wonder how well it worked
edit: looks like it worked great
Okay now do 3 at once and really get me hard.
Or 6. two rows, three by two. Yeah lets just make this shit really fucking crazy.
They should also shell the tree line while it’s burning for extra fun.
When in doubt, try fire.
Imagine a suicide thermite drone!
Forest faery
What in the hell is it dropping? Thermite?
Bro fuck this. I would be gone. Ain’t no way I’d have the balls to do this
Serious question, how is this not considered technically a war crime? Like napalm or the like.
How much damage does this do to the drone?
the more you know…
Please stop doing this at night. It’s the most useless time for it.
Spicy rain.
Tbh this does not seem to very effective.