Von einer abgeworfenen Granate getroffener russischer Soldat kriecht in einer langen Blutspur davon, bis er seiner Verletzung erliegt



  1. Definitely Russian. His last instinct was to trespass on someone else’s property.

  2. -Apex__Predator- on

    Femoral artery severed. And the bones in that leg were also shattered, it looked like a wet noodle as he was moving.

  3. Pretty quick death, unlike his toasted, naked bottoms up mate by the looks of it. A tourniquet would’ve only bought him another nade.

  4. Where’s that cheap Russian “esmarch” tourniquet when you need one.

  5. LifeAd1193 on

    That blast severed his femoral artery. Yup, you will bleed fast and die.

  6. Sea-Direction1205 on

    We’ve seen a blue roof surrounded by corpses a few times now. It appears to be part of Russia’s coolie routes

  7. Interesting_Card2169 on

    How to say “We don’t want you in our country” without using words.

  8. Different-Divide-543 on

    A good showcasing in the timeframe you have to apply a tourniquet

  9. Firm-Sandwich8087 on

    Going to be some environmental storytelling for any other Russian that finds him.

  10. ItSmellsMassive on

    I’m not a doctor but that’s too much people juice to be losing.

  11. squidlips69 on

    Blood pressure dropping so fast from the artery gusher he quickly passed out and stopped moving. Fairly merciful way to go, really. Once again, should have stayed home.

  12. Big-Custard4981 on

    First thought: he should have put a tampon in it.

    Second thought: he kept his leg.

  13. Equivalent-Honey-306 on

    I’m pretty sure his last thoughts were for the wellbeing of his leader, Vlad Putin.

  14. Darksider182 on

    Looks like it hit an artery if he’s leaving that much blood behind

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