TIL: In Papau-Neuguinea gibt es eine Insel namens New Ireland mit einer Bevölkerung von 120.000 Menschen.


    Von forgotmyfucking


    1. spiraldive87 on

      Sure isn’t it right beside New Britain, like that was a dynamic that needed repeating

    2. Warm_Butterscotch_97 on

      An island that already had a name before Europeans got involved by the way.

    3. Straight_at_em on

      I visited the island some years ago and saw several fellas in Namatanai and Kavieng wearing Ireland jerseys, both football and rugby.

    4. oshinbruce on

      I thought the title was there is a Island Near Ireland called New Papau New Guinea with 120k and I was how did I not hear of this

    5. FlickMyKeane on

      I can remember them discussing New Ireland on The Panel years ago. They spent a good 5 minutes riffing on how we would invade it.

      What a show that was tbf. Might not have held up against some of the panel shows in England at the time but for RTE it was brilliant.

    6. Go__F__Yourself on

      Let’s check if they have housing crisis there, maybe they fixed it with new update

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