Artilleriegranate trifft russischen Soldaten im Schützengraben direkt


  1. goodbyenewindia on

    That was at least 15 ft away, and he was still walking around afterwards..

  2. How long till russia spin this as more proof of their supersoldiers? I remember a few weeks back them doing the same in a similar situation. “Look, our soldiers are invincible.”

  3. BrokenFist-73 on

    Slightly off to the right I think.
    By about 2ft, so nearly a bullseye.
    Could not do better myself.

  4. A_Horse_On_The_Web on

    Wonder if that’s the Ukrainian’s view of the Russians in the dugout live streaming getting hit?

  5. Straight-Storage2587 on

    If I end up over there for the Orcs (which is never happen), I hope that artillery gunner is not on the other end of the line.

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