Die Dominikanische Republik wird bis zu 10.000 Haitianer pro Woche abschieben, da es einen „Überschuss“ an Einwanderern gibt



  1. Concentrateman on

    When the Haitians gained independence from France in 1804 the only form of government they were familiar with was the French. They treated their people just like the French treated them and governed similarly. Governing by example. No real surprise there. This combination of historical circumstances plays a big part in where they are today. A sad state of affairs. My heart goes out to them.

  2. MoonManMcNuggies2 on

    This is problematic and frankly racist☝️ these people could be future doctors, engineers, and even astronauts. Dominican Republic has more than enough land and money to subsidize these asylum seekers and its hurtful to see them turned away. As we have seen in Ohio they integrate fine. Full👏 stop👏

  3. DR probably doesn’t have the safety net to care for that many immigrants given that it is technically a poor country itself and small.

  4. Canada should follow with international students claiming asylum or here under false pretense. 100k a week 🙏🏽

  5. PremiumQueso on

    I see a lot of xenophobic cowards are on Reddit today. Haitians are doing great in America. We should deport Trump supporters and import more Haitians.

  6. BenefitOfTheDoubt_01 on

    Not in the title but in the first paragraph. They are deporting ILLEGAL immigrants, IE, individuals that are in the country illegally.

    “The Dominican Republic announced Wednesday that it would start massive deportations of Haitians living illegally in the country”.

    It’s fine to have an opinion one way or the other but we should at least be fair and title things appropriately so an informed discussion can take place.

    I’m not saying it was done intentionally but it does make you wonder why they didn’t include the word “Illegal” in the title.

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