Online-Antisemiten nutzen die irische Sprache, um die Zensur ihres Hasses und ihrer Drohungen zu umgehen. Dieses Plakat verkündet „Ich liebe tote Juden“. Dagegen müssen wir uns wehren.

Von ExpertSolution7


  1. I’m confused. Why do you expect strangers to challenge a random poster? Report them, done.

  2. OvertiredMillenial on

    I imagine the number of native Irish speakers who regularly post anti-Semitic content as Gaeilge online is vanishingly small. Think you’d probably be able to get most of them banned yourself in an afternoon.

  3. TheFakeZzig on

    Respectfully, reporting won’t actually stop anything. They just make new accounts. On the plus side, maybe three people will understand them.

  4. See this is what the zionists want! They want us to confuse the Jewish people with the Israelis. We are not anti semitic ffs. We are anti zionists.
    Jews aren’t always zionists

  5. death_tech on

    Nobody. Understands. Them.

    Unless they speak fluent Irish.

    Source? Me, I’m a result of our shite method of teaching Irish. I haven’t a clue. Like most other Irish people.

  6. I think it’s stupid accusing people of “co-opting” Irish just because you don’t like what they’re saying in it. How do you know they’re not Irish?

    You might as well say anti-semites are co-opting English. No language has any inherent position on Jews.

    Irish is not political, therefore it cannot be co-opted.

  7. earth-calling-karma on

    Yeah sure but you’re talking to the wrong internet, OP.

  8. Wait a minute – you don’t mean… Twitter is full of racists?! 😮😱

  9. I do not support Israel but to see people being blatantly anti semitic is disgusting 

  10. Inner-Astronomer-256 on

    Unfortunately OP this is tilting at windmills. Even if this is a real person, as opposed to an edgy 12 year old in a Gaelscoil, or one of our friends in Novosibirsk, you are assuming good faith on the part of Twitter.

    It is now owned by a person who is perfectly happy to allow bigotry on the platform.

    The best thing would be for anyone still on the platform to delete their account and just let it die. It baffles me that people like Simon Harris and Keir Starmer try to beg Musk to see reason, when just deleting their accounts would send a far stronger message.

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