Ein mit einem Maschinengewehr ausgerüsteter ukrainischer Hexacopter feuert auf russische Stellungen, Aufnahmen einer feindlichen Drohne

Von TheObviousDilemma


  1. If true, holy hell. I would love to know how it could be done feasibly, that’s crazy.


    The drine being used is called the Baba Yaga.
    Some are armed with a PKM and rocket launcher, others drop anti tank mines with grenade fuzes.

  3. HereIGoAgain_1x10 on

    Now we just need drones that fire revolvers at other drones and we’ll have come a full 360 for air warfare lol

  4. CactiMysteri on

    That laser rifle in halo that does progressive damage based on time of contact with the beam. MUST have.

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