3 € Mittagessen an meiner Universität in Istanbul


Von No_Pudding2959


  1. doesnt look that appetizing to me, but the value is there id say (tbh, student food rarely looks appetizing 😀 )

  2. MarkoHelgenko on

    I recognized everything but the soup.
    How much is a dener with ayran in Istanbul now?

  3. ratuste-pe-tapet on

    That meat looks like a dead-updside down- kind of fish 😂

  4. Comparing the Turkish average salary with other countries’ could make one having second thoughts.

  5. Baristakombinator on

    Food in the school canteen in a poor country with an inflation rate of 52%, when exchanged for Western currency, being cheap? No way!

  6. In Universities in Turkiye food is extremely cheap you cant eat that for 3 euros in a normal restaurant

  7. Dapper-Cress5570 on

    I was a uni student in Finland, €2.7 for university, and free for primary to high school, plus 2 different drinks

  8. Which-Scientist-1278 on

    Similar to what I had for 2,5€ in Portugal (Bragança) in 2021/22.

  9. The price does not mean anything because it’s subsidized. Someone else paid for it – maybe even you through your tuition, or more likely all the citizens through their taxes.

    It’s like showing the sandwich your mum made for you, and saying “Lunch in Turkey, 0 euros”.

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