Hamas behauptet, bei Anschlag in Tel Aviv seien sieben Menschen ums Leben gekommen: Erklärung



  1. StarDolphin63 on

    Let’s hope their homes are destroyed, since they themselves are ashtray in hell with their 72 goats

  2. DanDan1993 on

    I heard somewhere PIJ also claimed responsibility… Does this mean Hamas tries to take credit from others to show they are still doing something? I might be wrong and vaguely remember reading something about them being from PIJ

  3. Rich-Adhesiveness137 on

    When you have an abundance of idiots who are willing to die for absolutely NOTHING!!!

  4. SweatyCount on

    Lol these losers never learn.

    Then the world cries why Israel won’t make peace with them.

    They literally keep claiming innocent people’s death and these college clowns keep backing them

  5. Apart_Freedom4967 on

    So 2 “people” stabbed a soldier(sure, ok) took his rifle and started shooting civilians from zero range. On of them, a 33 year old woman holding her new born baby.

    And your telling me these people are just resisting oppression? Maybe they ought to be oppressed.

  6. birdgovorun on

    They saw a young mother holding a baby and murdered her point blank. Were then photographed smiling on security cameras. Same shit we’ve seen on October 7, only this time coming from Hebron and not “concentration-camp” Gaza. One terrorist is now being treated in an Israeli hospital. If this piece of shit survives, Hamas will likely demand his release as part of the hostage deal.

  7. fundingsecured07 on

    I went on a trip to Tel Aviv/Jerusalem a while back as part of my university’s program to learn about the growing technology ecosystem in Israel (I’m a Canadian by background). Mind you, I was hosted/toured around by Israeli students so I might have a biased view of the whole situation, but from what I experienced, it genuinely boggles my mind that young people in the West believe that Hamas/Hezbollah are some sort of a “resistance” group trying to fight against “colonialism”.

    To provide some context, my host group included a diverse group – including Yemeni, Ashkenazi, and even a half-Chinese Jewish student. Muslims, Christians, and Armenians enjoy the exact same rights as a Jewish citizen. They are able to serve in the Knesset parliament, hold top roles (many of the CEOs/CFOs that delivered keynote speeches were Muslim/Christians), and most importantly, I also met an Arab reporter who was pro-Palestine (as in he believed in a peaceful two-state solution) who was free to write and publish whatever he believed in without oppression.

    Meanwhile, my trip to Jerusalem really opened my eyes. In the Muslim quarter, there was a massive demonstration calling for the death of Jews, to reclaim the holy lands, and to incite violence. It was clear to me that the PLO/Hamas leadership were indoctrinating angry, young people who lacked opportunities to “fight”. According to them, all of their problems were caused by the “greed of the Jewish people” and it was their responsibility to drive the Jews away. They were literally educating hate amongst the Palestinian youths, telling them to climb the wall, and become a martyr for their cause.

    Every time I see a Pro-Palestine protest full of university students who have absolutely no clue what’s going on around the other side of the world, it’s really hard to take them seriously. I’m not excusing some actions of Israel and of course nobody wants to see innocent women and children die. However, when the entire leadership of the people are corrupt, incompetent, and greedy assholes (Haniyeh literally lived lavishly in Qatar while using the Gazan people as human shields), it no longer is about resistance.

  8. AprilsMostAmazing on

    is this really Hamas or ISIS situation where they claim responsibility if you stub your toe in the morning?

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