BREAKING: Richter CHUTKAN hat Jack Smiths 165-seitigen redigierten Antrag auf Immunität des Präsidenten entsiegelt. Lesen Sie es hier:


  1. False_Ad_5372 on

    Holy shit, Trump killed JFK and Tupac!

    No really, it doesn’t really matter that this evidence is public. It’s the courts who need hear the case already!

  2. The defendant asserts that he is immune from prosecution for his criminal scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election because, he claims, it entailed official conduct. Not so.

    In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court rules, “Nuh-uh! So!” and theres nothing you can do about it lmaoooo

  3. Strong-Educator2390 on

    Trumps going to prison 100%. Bombshell!
    Pence will testify!

  4. reddittorbrigade on

    Insurrection against the government where Trump belonged as a president wasn’t an official duty. It was personal. Common sense.

  5. Saturnboy13 on

    This is awesome! Can I please get an annotated version to show my MAGA family members?

  6. Any-Ad-446 on

    Smith is a master at this lawyering thing even against a corrupt judge like Cannon.

  7. Rude_Tie4674 on

    Just remember, kids: THIS case is “sedition” – it’s the documents case that is “treason”.

    The meaning of SEDITION is incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority.

  8. Look, hard core MAGAs are all in. Trump was right — he could murder someone on 5th avenue, and the people who are die hards would make excuses that the person deserved it, it was self defense, etc. etc. Trump is the loud vehicle for their grievances. They don’t care that the vehicle is a complete piece of shit, they just want their grievances — be it about immigrants, or sluts, or taxes, or baby killers, or brown people — elevated. And in particular, they want the ones they couldn’t say before Trump was around to be elevated because it makes them feel less terrible about them. Sure, there were loads of DL racists pre-Trump, but they weren’t as vocal. Now, people are enacting policy based on racist tropes. Trump gives people permission to not only be, but embrace and elevate their worst self. And there is no fucking way they are giving that up. It’s too much of an endorphin hit. Die hard Trump voters are DESPERATE to view themselves and have others perceive them as better than those they don’t like. Trump helps give them that inflated complex.

    My hope is there are enough relatively sane Republicans who are so fucking sick of the chaos, and who maybe saw the VP debate last night and thought “wow, this is how it COULD be” and are willing to sacrifice the next four years of their policies to then come back in 2028 with a candidate who isn’t psychotic chaos personified and have a real shot (I say this as a democrat voter). If I were a conservative strategist, I absolutely would go that route. Because I think most polished, normal republican politicians loathe trump. Yes, they kiss his ass because they have to, but privately, they see him for what he is — a fucking dumb ass who has no idea what he’s talking about who isn’t smart or intelligent or remotely on their level who does nothing but embarrasses the party and appeals to the lowest common denominator. Republican politicians want to get away from that, because it’s fucking exhausting. It’s a bad reality TV show. My gut says, they’ll throw the next four years to Democrats, hope democrats shit the bed and bring in someone like a JD Vance in 2028 who doesn’t lose his mind on the debate stage over insinuations that he doesn’t have big crowd sizes, and potentially control for 8 years.

  9. Sabbathius on

    Wow, I can’t wait…for absolutely nothing to happen to him as the result of any of this!

    He’ll try an election in a month. If he fails he’ll try another coup. If that fails, he’ll flee the country. And suffer zero consequences for any of his actions.

  10. hodlisback on

    Legit question as a non American. Why do so many Americans hate America?

  11. grandcanyonwascool19 on

    What a joke. More Democrat election interference less than 24 hours after Walz crapped the bed. How predictable

  12. ElPeroTonteria on

    Condensed version:

    The evidence against Donald Trump, as outlined in the “Government’s Motion for Immunity Determinations,” includes a series of actions taken to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, which the government claims were criminal and conducted in a private capacity rather than as part of his official presidential duties. Some key pieces of evidence include:

    1. False Election Fraud Claims:

    Trump and his team spread false claims about widespread voter fraud in several key states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin), even after those claims had been debunked.

    He repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that mail-in ballots were fraudulent and sought to delay the election, suggesting that counting votes after Election Day was improper.

    2. Pressure on State Officials:

    Trump contacted state officials in the targeted states, attempting to persuade them to ignore the true vote counts and instead endorse fraudulent electoral votes in his favor. He focused on officials from his own political party in states he had lost.

    He is alleged to have pressured election officials in Georgia and other states to “find” votes that would change the outcome in his favor.

    3. Fraudulent Elector Scheme:

    Trump and his co-conspirators allegedly manufactured slates of fraudulent electors in the targeted states, presenting these fake electoral votes in an attempt to disrupt the certification of the election by Congress.

    4. January 6, 2021:

    When all other efforts failed, Trump directed his supporters to march to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, to obstruct Congress’s certification of the election results. His false claims of election fraud were used to inflame the crowd, which eventually stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the certification process.

    The government alleges that Trump’s public statements and tweets, including an attack on Vice President Mike Pence for not stopping the certification, further incited the violence at the Capitol.

    5. Vice President Mike Pence:

    Trump repeatedly pressured Vice President Pence to misuse his role as President of the Senate to obstruct the certification of the election, which Pence refused to do. This effort was part of Trump’s broader scheme to overturn the election results.

    These actions are presented as part of a broader conspiracy to interfere with the federal government’s function of collecting and counting votes, obstruct the official certification proceeding, and perpetuate false claims of election fraud.

  13. Interesting timing, considering the Democrat nominee for president made a fool out of himself last night. Remember, Tim Walz, by his own admission, is a knucklehead (great bullet point on a resume for Vice President of the United States), and is also friends with school shooters 🤔

    This unsealed document isn’t going to make a difference. Reasonable voters see it as just more lawfare to interfere in the election. The only ones that care about this are rabid leftists. I think the Dems have overplayed this hand.

  14. And nothing will happen or change.
    Fuck, even John Gotti was finally brought down. Trump will go to his grave thumbing his nose at everyone.

  15. semisensei on

    • The document is a Government’s Motion for Immunity Determinations in the criminal case against Donald J. Trump.
    • The motion argues that Trump is not immune from prosecution for his actions surrounding the 2020 election.
    • Section I outlines the case the Government intends to prove at trial, including Trump’s alleged private conduct and conspiracies to overturn election results in seven states.
    • Section II discusses the legal principles of presidential immunity, explaining the criteria for determining whether Trump’s conduct was official or unofficial.
    • Section III applies the legal principles to Trump’s conduct, concluding that his actions were unofficial and therefore not protected by immunity.
    • Section IV requests that the court rule that Trump is not protected by presidential immunity and must stand trial.
    • The document extensively details Trump’s attempts to pressure state officials, manufacture fraudulent electoral votes, and incite the January 6th Capitol attack.

  16. Individual_Pear2661 on

    Let me summarize.

    “Orange Man Bad. REALLY BAD. Orange Man makes me cry.”

    …really, really Bad Orange Man. We hates him!

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