[OC]Finanzielle Leistung von Airbnb

Von giteam


  1. axonaxisananas on

    How is it possible to spend that much money on Sales and Administrative?

  2. footdragon on

    …and all this revenue is off the backs of property owners. none of which is owned by airbnb.

  3. Colors matter.

    I see a ton of red and parenthesis. At first glance I assumed that this company was hemorrhaging money and that they helped destroy affordable housing at a loss.

    I see the top line numbers now along with the typo in “Nroth America” and don’t really have much positive to say about the ribbon chart beyond the font is (mostly) readable (there’s a spacing issue between “Income before Taxes” and the numerical value underneath it, same with “Other Expense”, there’s also spacing issues all over the place throughout the graphic) .

  4. SpamEatingChikn on

    $519M for ONE QUARTER of product development? For a software who’s base function has long since been developed? I run an entire supply chain/asset management org and I will never understand how these big corps blow this kind of money.

  5. Achillies2heel on

    Half a billion in product development… WTF are you developing? more ways to charge people for cleaning fees.

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