Südkalifornier sind chronisch giftigen, in der Luft befindlichen Kunststoffchemikalien, sogenannten Weichmachern, ausgesetzt. Diese Chemikalien machen Materialien flexibler und werden in Lunchboxen, Duschvorhängen, Gartenschläuchen und Polstermöbeln verwendet. Die Phthalate in der Luft sind bekannte Reproduktionsgifte und Karzinogene.



  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


    From the linked article:

    Airborne plastic chemical levels shock researchers

    Phthalates are known reproductive toxins and carcinogens

    A new study documents how Southern Californians are chronically being exposed to toxic airborne chemicals called plasticizers, including one that’s been banned from children’s items and beauty products.

    Plasticizers are chemical compounds that make materials more flexible. They are used in a wide variety of products ranging from lunchboxes and shower curtains to garden hoses and upholstery.

    Previous California monitoring programs focused on plasticizers called ortho-phthalates, some of which were phased out of manufacturing processes due to health and environmental concerns. Less research has focused on the health effects of their replacements, called non-ortho-phthalates.

    This study revealed the presence of both types of plasticizers in the air throughout Southern California.

    “The levels of these compounds are through the roof,” Volz said. “We weren’t expecting that. As a result, we felt it was important for people to learn about this study.”

    Despite differences in climate, the air on both coasts is likely carrying similar levels of phthalates.

    “No matter who you are, or where you are, your daily level of exposure to these plasticizer chemicals is high and persistent,” Volz said. “They are ubiquitous.”

    To Volz, studies like this one amplify the need to find alternatives to plastic. As plastics degrade, these compounds and others like them are leaching out into the environment and into the body.

    “The only way to decrease the concentration of plasticizers in the air is to decrease our production and consumption of materials containing plasticizers,” he said.

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