OpenAI schließt die Finanzierung mit einem Wert von 157 Milliarden US-Dollar ab, da sich Microsoft, Nvidia und SoftBank der Runde anschließen


  1. gnarby_thrash on

    OpenAI, Microsoft, Nvidia and SoftBank? Wow, this is the AI circle jerk + a multi-billion dollar loser

  2. morinonaka on

    uh oh. Softbank entered the chat. The company that have done the greatest investments of all time <sarcasm>

  3. Since Microsoft had 49%, does this mean these company together have now more than 50%?

  4. But didn’t we need $158 billion to correctly answer the Rs in strawberry question?

  5. millenialcringe on

    Say goodbye to free AI – nice while it lasted. The good shit will be top top secret making government decisions

  6. lemaymayguy on

    Can somebody please explain how you can, scrape the internet as a nonprofit, use this data, and then after it’s been secured – flip to a for profit structure and sell that data??? Then to block others from using this data as well?

    Am I understanding all of this correctly?

    Actively made the internet worse really. I kind of feel like this is the end of the “good days” of the internet. It’s been bad for a bit but the walls really closed in after they realized they could monetize our data we create for free and stop others from using it.

  7. Surprisingly low considering Altman was considering 1 trillion earlier this year lol

  8. Oh look, another start up that somehow has a higher valuation than companies who are established and make billions a year. Why are start ups so overly inflated during funding phases?

  9. felixeurope on

    Can they please remove this misleading „open“ from the name.

  10. What the hell do they need all this money for?

    Some parts of Open AI smell like Theranos with its promises.

  11. bananacustard on

    Still no viable business model that comes close to covering operating costs, let alone paying back the VC.

    I’m not saying the tech is garbage (some of it is genuinely interesting), but there’s just no path to profit for the foreseeable future.

    So far its al hype and speculation.

  12. Softbank funding is the kiss of death these days. An the other two are basically round-tripping.

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