Verity – Russland erhöht Verteidigungsausgaben auf Rekordhöhe


  1. DataGeek101 on

    Yeah, “Defense”. (Insert eye roll here)
    It could be zero if they just quit attacking their neighbors.

  2. Tight-Reward816 on

    Da. Because rubles are worthless we spend by the wheelbarrow, which have metal rims on wooden spokes. We have no need for rubber tires!

  3. name__redacted on

    Hmm the last time Russia dedicated this much of their economy to defense spending was the 1980s… anyone remember how that ended?? 🤔

  4. Ok_Type_4301 on

    The figures are bullshit as you would expect – no more than double Russia’s ordinary spending.

    For comparison, the US spent over 40% of its GDP on defence at one point during WWII.

  5. thanksfor-allthefish on

    This increase is purely political and will not increase russian technical capabilities. The overwhelming majority of the money will go to military salaries and incentives to join the military.

    Aside from fresh cannon fodder, Putin needs a large base of loyal soldiers that sit away from the frontline and prevent any internal cue attempts. The more dissent there is, the more loyal goons he needs.

    The moeny won’t increase military production. No new factories will be constructed, no technology will be developed.

    It’s just the sign that the end of the rope is near for the little dictator.

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